WAG Can't go straight when doing anything forward

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Jul 20, 2016
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When I try to do anything like a front walk over front tuck etc I seem to always land crooked, specifically always to the right. It is really frustrating and I can't figure out why and it makes tricks harder to land. I always start on my left leg and cannot start on my right, it just doesn't happen. Any idea why this happens?
Really hard to answer this question without a video. It could be a ton of different things.
What does your coach say about it?
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She just says go straight but no mawhat what I do I still go to the right
Maybe try to go crooked, but this time twisting to the left? That helped me on beam, when I always went to the right on walkovers. Or, stare at a spot on the wall ahead for as long as you can into the skill, trying to head straight towards it. Sorry I don't have any other ideas, but good luck!
Right, that's not very helpful if you don't know what is causing you to go off-center. Working things on a line...spotting....making sure when you do strength, both your right and left sides get the same amount of work
It might help to focus on where you are looking. Work on a line or picture a line and make sure you are watching it through the skill.

There could be a physical cause. I have a tendency to cast because I have on leg slightly longer than the other and my hip tends to push out to the side. I find I can compensate by deliberately extending slightly less through the ankle of the shorter leg. That's not the most likely reason though. Mostly likely is just that you aren't taking off quite straight. If you;re starting with your left leg in front then going right is consistent with turning or twisting to the side a little to try to go over your shoulder rather than your head.

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