Chalkbucket Booster Club - Join today and be a part of the support team!

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Just joined the booster club. This is the only online community that has ever really drawn me in. I learn something here every day and it SO keeps me sane when the craziness of this sport pops in. Thank-you. I am proud to be a part of and support this community.
Thanks for helping to support this great community. The Chalkbucket is such a great meeting place.
@thefellowsmom - Thanks!

Who's gonna be the next's only $10/year! We really appreciate your support.
This site has been invaluable to me. Many of the coaches who have been posting here have seen, dealt and taught things/moves that I can't even comprehend at this stage in coaching. It's been a relief to know that if I have a question about anything I can create a thread and get helpful responses without fail; I trust some of the posters as much as I trust my own co-workers who I've been coaching alongside since I was 15.

For all of the knowledge, drills and amusement I've taken away from this site, 10$ for this (I'm a sucker for badges, too) is 10$ well spent.
Simon your support of the Chalkbucket, and participation in this great place, is very much appreciated. The board has become a great coaching resource and meeting place.
@Coach.Simon - Thank you!
I also just joined over the weekend :). This community is such a wealth of information and knowledge that you really can't put a value on it--it is priceless!!! I was very happy to support you guys and the CB!!!
Thanks so much MD, it's people like you that keep the CB world turning! I am sure that Booster Club badge will be showing up as soon as JBS awakes!
Thanks to everyone that has joined the "Booster Club"!

We'd love to see some more badges. For only $10/year you can say, "I really, really love this site."

Remember, the two ads (first post and last post) that appear in every thread will disappear when you join the "Booster Club".

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