Off Topic Chevrolet Strong ad

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Feb 26, 2007
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Just going to put this here.

If I have to listen to that Chevrolet strong ad one more time I will ram a sharp knife into my ears.

Condescending, nauseating piece of tripe.

That's all.
I haven't seen it, but I'm going to guess that it basically follows the same lines as most truck ads. That is, "you're not manly enough, buy our truck to compensate for your shortcomings"

How'd I do? Was I right?
This one...I love this commercial...

Sorry, had to stop it half way through, pas the bucket ...........:confused:.

I must not be in the target market ;)
Hm, so more subtle about it than most truck commercials. Same basic idea, though
Subtle? About as subtle as a sledgehammer :p
Well, I mean, compared to.....

Or even worse.....

True, the second one is a beer commercial, but it's aimed at the same demographic. I remember seeing some truck ads that were even more blunt (like, to the point where I was genuinely offended watching them), but I really don't feel like putting in the effort to track them down.
It's all " I'm a man, a bit rugged, workin' hard, shooting stuff and towing bigger stuff. Must get a bigger truck to make me more manly. Oh and I am gentle yet tough, I love ma wimmin and ma dawg!".

I hate it so much I actually wrote to Chevvy to tell them it sucks and is an insult to men.

There are lots of commercials that I find insulting to woman too. But this one is just dreadful.
Wow. I will never get those 3 minutes and 27 seconds back...

I do like how they proved he was "strong" by the various camera close ups on things like his boot spurs, his tool belt, various power tools he uses, and his HUGE belt buckle...
Maybe I'm lacking good sense and culture, but I don't have a problem with it. I think it's a much nicer and more appealing image of men (and families) than what most of the popular media portrays these days.
Eh. I don't mind it. And we are a Ford Truck family. Lol

But maybe I don't mind it because we own trucks and fit into their demographic, even if it isn't their brand. Ya know? Or possibly because my husband is a bit "rugged", wears work boots, has lifted pickup trucks... Who knows. Different strokes, right?
Well do remember I am British. The ad is just way too country for me. We also own a Ford, SUV though. I am more of a Mini girl.

Good job different things appeal to different people or we'd all be driving the same car.
Well do remember I am British. The ad is just way too country for me. We also own a Ford, SUV though. I am more of a Mini girl.

Good job different things appeal to different people or we'd all be driving the same car.

Did they actually air that in the UK?? That is most certainly a commercial that is aimed at a US market.

We own three Ford pickup trucks and a Toyota SUV.
No I live in Canada now. Quebec in fact. Quebec is quite "country" to be honest. Lots of plaid shirts, work boots and men in pick up trucks. I am definitely not their target market.

I absolutely love cars, my joke is do not buy me diamonds, I want CARS!!!! There are a lot of car ads lately that I find irritating for many reasons, the Chevvy one is just the top of the heap.
I can't believe no one mentioned the Dodge Super Bowl commercial...

...this one should really get you all going...

(my father's side of the family were farmer's)

When I first read your post about being a "mini" girl I thought you meant mini van... Then I realized the error in my thinking :rolleyes:. Shows how much I know about cars.
...and this one...I'm a Bears fan and I still love this commercial...


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