Parents Clothing for Gymnasts

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My 11 yo sounds the same. She's outgrown the Justice "look" but still likes their leggings and soft skinny jeans. She also likes the leggings from abercrombie kids and we've gotten great deals by watching for their clearance sales. She will usually wear a longer top if she's wearing leggings - long cardigans over t-shirt, a tunic or oversized sweatshirts, etc. Abercrombie jeans don't fit my DD - she has short legs and muscular thighs. Joe's Jeans fit her really well and we've found them for less than $15 at TJMaxx.
I have to say that I am dreading the process of trying to find a suit for DS's bar mitzvah next year. He has long legs, no waist or butt at all to speak of, and shoulders across which one could drive a reasonably sized pickup truck.
My DD is 10 and wears only leggings. I think she owns one pair of jeans that she wears infrequently. Her Grade 5 teacher reminded the students (read girls) to dress "modestly" and not wear leggings and all hell broke loose among the parents about it. Our VP ended up in the classroom the next day to assure the kids that as long as they're following dress code (which doesn't mention pant tightness) that they're fine.
It is not my daughter's responsibility to dress for anyone else and I spend an awful lot of energy making sure she understands that. As long as what she wears is appropriate for the weather and occasion I will not dictate that she dress so someone else doesn't look at her or feel that she needs to cover up because some creepy boy has not been taught by his parents that it is not his business to comment on someone else's appearance.
My DD is in a similar boat. Regular and even slim fit jeans are too baggy on her waist, and she can't stand how that feels (even with adjustable waist pants). At the same time, even regular fit jeans fit too snugly for her in her thighs for her liking.

And leggings? Too often they gape at the waist, too. :( What's a girl to do? Her best luck with leggings so far is with Under Armor and Nike Pro. C9 at Target fits ok, too, though it seems not to hold up as well in the wash.

At school, if she wears leggings, jeggings, or yoga pants, her top is supposed to cover her tush. Finding clothing every day is a nightmare. She usually ends up in leggings or jeggings (and YES! Justice FTW!) under a sweatshirt. Occasionally she'll wear a tunic, but that's rare. They're too much like a dress and apparently, dresses are a super no.

She'll sometimes wear her Under Armor or Abercrombie sweatpants, but as a middle schooler now, she doesn't wear them often anymore. :(

Sometimes though, we do also have luck finding jeggings at Target. And once in the bluest moon, she'll wear their Cherokee brand jeans (some are soft and spandex-y).

I've had days where I've seriously considered trying to open a clothing company to ensure DD has clothes that fit!

FWIW, DD is 11 and maybe just starting some of her growing.
YG is now 11... still has a size 7 or 8 waist... but is almost 5 feet tall. NOTHING fits. She loves leggings and yoga pants and jeggings too. We get her yoga pants from Wal-Mart. The foldover ones are a blessing because I can "hide" elastic so they fit her waist without gapping at the back.
She pairs them with oversized t-shirts or one of her gymnastics hoodies :)
Same here........Eagle outfitters has cute stuff in teeny tween just bought her first pair of jeans (skinny) there and a shirt from the sale rack.

Also, Abercrombie has some amazing deals online. Sale section, and then add additional 30-40% off...... i find stuff there FREQUENTLY that rivals Old Navy prices....
The cut is perfect for my Gymmie....
I just bought my 11 yr old a bunch of belts last week because of this issue. lol
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for UK posters I have had great success with Matalan's skinny jeans. They are super stretchy so I can actually buy her age and they fit
Three weeks ago my 9 year old daughter came into my room wearing a pair of old board shorts. I didn't realize how old until I looked at the tag...


She's 4'1" and can wear a 3t waist. I don't know where to shop for that. LOL
Three weeks ago my 9 year old daughter came into my room wearing a pair of old board shorts. I didn't realize how old until I looked at the tag...


She's 4'1" and can wear a 3t waist. I don't know where to shop for that. LOL

Too funny. This is a problem with boys too. I decided all T sized clothing goes away when they hit double digits (even if it still fits.)

Slim styles and adjustable waists would both probably be good for your dd.
Too funny. This is a problem with boys too. I decided all T sized clothing goes away when they hit double digits (even if it still fits.)

Slim styles and adjustable waists would both probably be good for your dd.

We definitely do adjustable waist. We buy whatever works. She's certainly not wanting for clothes! The most recent pair of jeans came from Costco. Super SUPER soft (I want a pair for me!) and adjustable waist. Of course, the adjusted upper part makes her look like she's got another pair of jeans in there but hopefully they shrink a little LOL. She definitely has gotten more of the gymnast booty but she didn't have anything to start with.

We've had good luck with Kohls and Old Navy for her too. Justice is hit or miss. I just bought her a pair of justice leggings and they're too tight in the thigh and too big in the waist. Grrrr.
With as many gymnasts as there are world wide, you'd think we could make a killing designing clothes meant for athletic girls.
Pink lives in leggings (outside of school) and I make those to fit, in fact I started sewing again after she was born
Too funny. This is a problem with boys too. I decided all T sized clothing goes away when they hit double digits (even if it still fits.)

Slim styles and adjustable waists would both probably be good for your dd.

LOL I did the same thing. D was swimming at almost 12 in Florida and I realized he was wearing 5T swimming trunks. We went shopping quickly. Now, after the initial puberty growth spurt, he can wear normal clothes...his brother OTOH needs a size 26/36 jean. Those do NOT exist..
LOL I did the same thing. D was swimming at almost 12 in Florida and I realized he was wearing 5T swimming trunks. We went shopping quickly. Now, after the initial puberty growth spurt, he can wear normal clothes...his brother OTOH needs a size 26/36 jean. Those do NOT exist..

We have the best shop ever for teenage boys, Primark ( they have opened in Boston and will be opening elsewhere in the US soon, I know as Step daughter commissions the new stores).

They start mens clothing at a 26 waist and are very cheap Link Removed
LOL I did the same thing. D was swimming at almost 12 in Florida and I realized he was wearing 5T swimming trunks. We went shopping quickly. Now, after the initial puberty growth spurt, he can wear normal clothes...his brother OTOH needs a size 26/36 jean. Those do NOT exist..
The size 26/36 jean in Men's was my DS too, from ages 13 - 18, now at almost 19 he is finally starting to fill out a tiny bit in the waist.
I have the opposite problem. My daughter wears nothing but jeans. Only time she doesn't is, Christmas, Easter, Banquet Days and on the way to meets and practice. Even her shorts are mostly jean shorts.

And she does like Justice, which is awesome when its 40% off time.
Dd lives in yoga pants jeggings and the occasional pair of sweats. Jeans don't fit over her quads.
YG is now 11... still has a size 7 or 8 waist... but is almost 5 feet tall. NOTHING fits. She loves leggings and yoga pants and jeggings too. We get her yoga pants from Wal-Mart. The foldover ones are a blessing because I can "hide" elastic so they fit her waist without gapping at the back.
She pairs them with oversized t-shirts or one of her gymnastics hoodies :)
This is what we do on a daily basis. And excuse the OT rant, but wth is the deal at gym meets in terms of the tshirt and sweatshirts they sell? This sport is KNOWN for having at least SOME small girls...yet at every meet we have been to, they don't sell or have the small sizes!:mad: It is ridiculous. Some of these shirts resemble short dresses for my girl! I like that they are long enough to cover her backside, but you would think they would carry smaller is not that they run out either.
Rant over...apologies for the tangent.

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