WAG Coming back from injuruy- how long?

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Proud Parent
Aug 17, 2013
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Just curious how long it takes for someone to come back from an injury. DD had her arm splinted for a week (non weight bearing) and then had two and a half additional non weight bearing (non splint) weeks followed by about another week of gradually increasing weight bearing. She has been fully back for about a week, but that arm still feels weaker to her. She has lost ground mostly in bars- I guess not surprising as it is her weakest event. Floor, vault and beam are back to "normal" or at least pretty close. No pain or anything like that, just not as strong- casts are not anywhere where they were before, tires more etc. Just curious how long it will take to get her back to where she was. Thoughts?
It can be weeks or months.....it depends on the injury, and how well it heals.
also depends on if she doesnt injure something else in the return, in other words take your time and allow the strength to return.
My daughter fractured her growth plate in her shoulder in November at a meet doing beam. She was in a sling for 7 weeks. Came back slow at the gym. Here we are now 7 months later and she has tendinitis and inflammation in the other shoulder due to not having enough strength to do certain skills so she was not doing them in correct form and for favoring the one arm. So we are back to taking it slow and not able to do bars. Soooo take away - go back slow and ensure your child is doing skills and conditioning correctly or it will catch up.
Both my girls have had numerous injury. They have been out 1 week and the most 16 weeks. It really depends on how long they were out, the type of injury and their determination to get back. I would say on average at least half the the time they were out.

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