Off Topic computer madness

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Feb 26, 2007
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So I need help. I have a desk top that is connected to the internet through a wired modem and then I have a router fro the other computers in the house. The other computers cannot connect using internet explorer or mozilla. However they can connect using msn, limewire and the apple store. Also the PS3 can connect, the iphones and itouches as well.

I have tried every setting know to man with no success. I have reset the router, checked the firmware, drivers etc. Still I cannot get it to work.

Any ideas????
Sounds like you are actually connected to the internet, or else limewire, msn, etc. wouldn't work. So IE and Firefox are probably connected, but something isn't working. One problem I've had before is that the Domain Name Server (DNS) gets blocked somehow. When you type in, the DNS is where the request goes and gets converted into an IP address for the CB server, and then the connection from your computer is routed to CB. If the DNS isn't working, then its as good as not being connected to the internet, unless you know the numerical IP address for every site you want to visit. So when this happend to me, I kept getting a message saying it couldn't find the site and may not be connected to the internet.

Now the problem is, I don't remember how we fixed it. I vaguely remember our anti-virus software somehow being involved, like somehow it blocked access to the DNS thinking it was a bad site or something.

But maybe this could be described to some computer guru as a possible source of the problem, and maybe it could help steer them to a solution.
I think you could be right. I might have to get someone in, I am good with computers, but this is driving me bonkers (more). THough my pc works great, nobody elses do!
Since the pc that is hardwired to the modem works, you might try switching one of the others to the hardwire system and see it IE works that way. If it does then you will know that the problem is with its communication with the router. If not then the problem is with the IE program installed on that computer or the security setting on it. If this happens you might try re-installing IE if you still have the original CD. Good luck!
make sure your browser does not have the proxy box clicked on in connection settings.

type cmd
then type ipconfig
it should list your ip and dns address
type ipconfig /flush
then type ipconfig /renew

mainly, i think it may what i said in the first line

feel free to bug me online about. though I coach more than I work on computers, it is my trade by school (not that I can seem to get a job anymore in IT).
So it is not the proxy thing. It is not norton or the firewall (i removed one and turned off the other), I tried pluggin it in to the modem directly, no luck.

BUT, wierder than wiered, hubby took his laptop to work yesterday and it worked just fine!

I called the ISP yesterday and they spent an hour, went into the router page and messed with vasious settings to no avail. In the end they were stumped and said they'd call back, whihc of course they didn't.

I think I am pretty good on computers, but I think I am one step away from a system restore!

ANy other thoughts???
No advice, but I'll ask around.

Norton is crap. Serious, serious crap. I recommend AVG's free scanner in conjunction with a malware remover like Spybot S&D.
I have the computer god coming over this afternoon, if he can't help I can't imagine what I'll do. I just bought a new router and a new modem.

It is so silly to sit in a house with 4 computers and to have everyone lining up to use mine, plus it is the one I work on!

Hoping that by tonight I will have the answer!
Thanks I am running it now, I will try anything!
I currently run Micro-Soft Security Essentials for free anti-virus software. I used to run AVG free and loved it but, needed to remember to run it. iMicro soft essentials was suggested by my IT friend and do love that you can set it to run. I am guessing that micro-soft only works for PC's and not a mac.

I have been bug free since then. However i do occansionaly run maleware-bytes because it is such a great program for viruses. good luck hope it helps Bog. We cant afford for you to be down :)
THe funny thing is my desktop is just fine, it is the laptop connections that are the issue. Hubby's laptop connects sometimes, my netbook never (though it works just fine other places). I have done system resore on the netbook, run all the various programmes and nothing has come up yet.
Problems solved. Netbook did a complete sytem reinstall. THe other laptop installed and updated the drivers and all is weel.

After 3 months of computer disaster it is HEAVEN to have all the computers behaving themselves.

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