some of these you can only do at practice, but if you have open gym, go to it and do some of them.
L Holds-
you hang down in a straight body on high bar, and bring your legs up to and L (horizontal) and hold for a minute. do 2 or 3 times
Straddle Opens(thats what we call them at my gym..)-
bring your legs up to horizontal open them to a straddle, then bring back to pike posistion, then open again and bring them like to the bar (but you go farther..) come back to pike , straddle , bring your toes through. do 4 sets of 8
*done on a low bar*
"Monkey Walks"-
on high bar you do chin up then you change grip do a pull up. and you do this all the way down the bar. do 4 lengths with 2 chin ups (&pull ups)
If there are parallel bars
put your feet in front of you(on the bars) then dip down. do 30 , twice.
Rope Climb-
pretty self explanitory, but dont use your legs. once you can do it with your legs in a pike position try it in straddle.
Inch Worms-
on a beam or a floor, start in a pike and walk your hands out until you get to a push up position, do 4 lengths of 4 push ups. (increase the amount of lengths and push ups if you need too)
Jumps On a Port-A-Pit (whale mat. the really big mat where level 4 does there handstand flat backs)
just jump up and down . you can choose to do a number or timed. number : do 100 regular jumps, 75 tuck jumps, and 50 jumps on one leg (do both) OR just do 200 jumps without stopping. time: do 2 minutes without stopping.
*good for legs AND cardio.*
Handstand Walks-
walk down the floor in handstand. if you come down, start that length over. do 4 lengths.
This one is like a set of stuff in hollow positiion. (dont have a name for it..)
1 minute hollow hold
1 minute fluttering with your legs (in hollow)
1 minute scissor kicks with your legs (in hollow)
come down.
if you cant stay in a good hollow for the entire thing, change the flutters and scissor kicks to 30 seconds until your ready.
With one of your school books (choose your heaviest one)
[this can replace hand weights if you dont have any..]
*these are all different ones*
-hold out straighht in front of you. hold for 1 minute 30 seconds.
-hold out straight to the side. hold for 1 minute 30 seconds.
-bend your arms . then straighten them (behind you..) . continue for 1 minute 30 seconds.
-hold up above your head . hold for 1 minute 30 seconds.
-above your head, bend your arms so the book or weight goes behind your neck. straighten. continue for 1 minute 30 seconds.
[if your using a book, do one arm at a time exceppt on the last one.]
hold one arm handstands.
against a wall, for like 5-15 seconds hold one hand up, at first hold onto the wall if you need too. as they get better and stronger increase till you get to a minute. and try it for as long as you can away from the wall.
this will help you in level 8, when you start pirouettes, then lvl 9 for blinds..
so this is very helpful conditioning..
if you have a long hallway..
do v-up, crunchie, straddle v up. then roll to an arch (super woman) then roll back to hollow. do 4 lengths.
that should be good for now.?