Parents DD back from camp

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Proud Parent
May 21, 2008
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It was a great experience for her. A week is a long time away from home (especially for a sensitive kid). But she did great. Loved her coaches and other campers. Loved the freedom of doing what she wanted during free time. Even the cabin (top bunk, of course) worked out great.

My picky eater even liked the food!!

As far as the gymnastics goes, she loved that too. I was a bit worried about her screening for placement. She is stong on three of the four events and I wondered how that would work for her. But she said she was right where she belonged.

I really need to stop worrying and over analyzing!:p
I am so happy here her, and you, camp is a big experience and is not for every child. Lovely to have her back I'm sure.:)

Which camp did she go to? That way other parents can learn about it's good and bad points through you.
Great to hear that your dd had a good camp experience!

I am sure you are glad to have her home...
She went to IGC. The grounds and facility were beautiful. The international aspect was very interesting for my DD. In her cabin were two girls from Spain and her counselors were from Wales and Australia.

The activities are constant and very fun. Very organized and everyone is so friendly.

If anyone has any specific questions, just let me know.
Heard about IGC, everyone who goes comes back with a great story about it. Glad she had a wonderful time! Did she come back with any new skills to show off at the gym?:p:p I also heard that there is trapeze there?
Thanks for that information. I.G.C. sounds like a great place. My girls will be going next summer, I think the weekend closest to July 4th. They are getting excited already.

Glad to hear your picky eater liked the food, my 9 year old could compete in the picky Olympics.
The getting new skills is a tricky thing for me. This summer she has already done a ton of new things at her own gym. Front Handspring, front tuck... ROBH, BT on floor. On beam, Backhandspring

At camp, they did the flyaway, so that was new for her. On floor they worked on layout with a 1/2 and full twist. Vault they did tusk timers. (I hope I got that all right, I am not that good at the names of things)

It has been a big summer for her. A lot of new fun things. She will be level 6 this season.
I forgot to add that due to rain they did not get to do trapeze. DD was bummed. Loved Scary Airy and the circus arts.

It rained some almost everyday. Did not stop the fun, just an inconvenience.
Thats good to hear that the rain didn't stop the fun! What is scary airy?:confused:

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