DD is off at camp . . .

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Dropped DD off at IGC for her 4th year. She was excited, but since she is with a new team, I think she missed going with a group (she was the only one from her gym, but knew about 7-8 other girls there). They did room her with one old teammate that has also left to go to another gym, so that is good. The camp was filled - 400 campers this week!

As always, the staff was great and friendly. There are 22 in her cabin, and the counselors (2 per cabin) were doing a great job getting them all settled. All the girls were friendly and excited. It is funny, you can see the counselors trying to remember everyones name as quickly as possible! Lots of different license plates - Maryland, New York, Massachusetts, North Carolina, Ontario. I think they will have a blast this week. Lots of girls were wearing shirts that said "I Love Shawn Johnson", since she is scheduled to be there this week.

And, I've already seen a picture of DD posted from the skills screening they do the first day.

As I was leaving, there was a couple who said they'd be back in 4 weeks. 4 weeks! Yikes, I already miss my kid after one night! But I'm sure she's having a blast.
You know she'll have a blast, and I love that they post the pictures every day so you can try to catch a peek at what they're doing! I tried to convince DD to go back this summer (it would've been her third year), but she just didnt' want to do it this year. Oh well.... can't force it!

I hope she gets to work w/Shawn... although Katy said that the celebrities only work with the Level 10 girls. You'll have to let me know if she gets to work w/her! Wouldn't that be a lifetime memory?

Keep us posted on what you observe during the week!
I know last year that Chellsie Memmel was working with some of the girls and spotted DD on backhandsprings on beam.

I think it depends on how long the guest stays. Nastia did not stay long, so did not really work with anyone.

She's just excited to try to get her shirt signed. Lots signed it last year at camp after the Olympic Trials, and she's excited to try to add Shawn's signature.

I think if DD said she didn't want to go, I'd just be thinking of all the $$ I'd save!!!

I'll let you know how it goes . . .
I know last year that Chellsie Memmel was working with some of the girls and spotted DD on backhandsprings on beam.

I think it depends on how long the guest stays. Nastia did not stay long, so did not really work with anyone.

She's just excited to try to get her shirt signed. Lots signed it last year at camp after the Olympic Trials, and she's excited to try to add Shawn's signature.

I think if DD said she didn't want to go, I'd just be thinking of all the $$ I'd save!!!

I'll let you know how it goes . . .

That is so exciting that Chelsie spotted her last summer! I thought I'd "save" that money too... but it's amazing. It's just like grains of sand in your hand. It just sifts right through! HA!

Check the pic. website everyday and let us know what you see! I'm so excited for her!
I am sure she's having a blast. We're off there on Sunday, after the mega drive that is. We had plans for this week, otherwise my girls would've been there too.

My girls wanted to go for two weeks, but that seems like a lot, I can't imagine 4 weeks!
Sam went to Flip Fest again this year. Only 1 teammate went with her so she really had a good gymnastics week. Took advantage of open practice every night. (proud of that)
Nastia came on wed. of that week. Sam said she worked with her on beam and bars. Props to the girls for taking time to do this. Sharpie still in her hand from the leo signing. For a 9 yo this is huge.
Camp is cool, but the only way mine will spend 4 weeks is if I go too.
Hope yours have a blast.

Sheesh, I can't imagine being able to afford 4 weeks of camp LOL! Hope she has a great time!
Well, DD sure looks happy! It looks like Shawn is signing her shirt that Nastia and Chellsie Memmel signed last year. I think Blaine Wilson signed it last year also, but oh well. She also had picture taken with Vitaly Martinich, Joe Hagerty and David Durante. I guess she's having a good time. Can't wait to hear all about it from her.

Well, got a letter from DD today. She is having a great time, and in her words, she "got her backhandspring on beam - Woo Hoo!". She said that Shawn Johnson is so nice, gave her a hug, was spotting her, and talked to her when she saw her on the campus. I'm sure she's not going to want to come home with me on Saturday! I guess we should start saving for next year, I'm sure she's going to want to weeks!
omg how cool. Amber leaves Sunday for IGC. She is so excited. Anyone know how much the leos at IGC run and the tees? The canceen site is not up online.
Regular IGC leos were I think $35 (Motionwear Leos) and they had some GK leos that were $50. Not sure how much t-shirt were. I think sweatshirts were about $35, PJ style pants were $25 I think. They weren't too bad on prices. You can you canteen money, or you can pay cash at drop off or pick up. I told DD to figure out what she wanted during the week, and if she ran out of $$, we'd get it at pick up. Of course the lines are longer then, but at the end of camp you need to wait in line to pick up any $$ they did not spend anyways.

It funny because when I showed DD's picture to a couple of non-gym people, they said isn't that the girl from Dancing With The Stars - I had to laugh. I guess they don't realize she's an Olympic Gold winner too!!!

Hope you DD loves it next week. Aren't Bog's girls going Sunday also?
yea...amber and bogs youngest are1 year apart so they may be together. I am not dropping her off, her dad is. He lives up north. She has never gone away to camp before, she gave up all brithday presents to go.I hope she has fun. Did you get to actually talk to her during ther week
FLipper, it looks as though your DD is having a blast, such great memories to have and hold.

My youngest knows all about Amber now and will be looking for her, she is excited to have her own CB encounter. You can email the kids through bunk one, and can add games to them. It wasn't expensive and I think it'll be fun for the girls to here from us. I do think the photo gallery is great, that way you will get a glimpse of your DD.

At Gymrep, the other camp mine go to, there is no contact and it is fine.

I plan to buy the girls a sweatshirt on the first day and they will have the money for a leo if they like them.
Last year we ordered gift baskets from IGC website to be delivered to her during the week. One had a IGC blanket, flashlight, leo, wrist bands, chapstick etc. It really made her day!
Medic and I tried that, but the online store is down and they say it will not be up in time. I oredered from eswak, not gym stuff though. I wil buy them stuff when we get there.
I didn't talk to DD. They don't suggest it, because if they are homesick it can make it worse. Also, it can pull them away for an activity during freetime.

They aren't allowed to call, but DD learned that is they go to the nurse for something, they can call. She lost a bracket on her braces last year and called and left me a message. I called during the times they suggest (I think it was 3-4 or something), but it can be hard to get through because some parents call a lot. DD had a teammate one year and the mom called every day!

I'm sure your DD will have a blast. If you are real worried, just tell her if she really needs you or gets upset to go the nurse to see if she can call you. But don't be surprised when you don't hear from her, she'll be having too much fun.

Cabin pictures are always Wednesday, so you at least get to see a picture by then. Hopefully it will be a good week with Jana Bieger there.
Hi! I am flying out tomorrow to IGC! I am so excited and i am going with one other girl from my gym. i am going for 1 week because it is my first time. :D:D:D
Glad to hear your daugter is enjoying the week at IGC. I love how they take photos and post them! My DD has there a few years but is trying Gymrep and circus camp this year. I know I'm going to miss the pics! Wow meeting and working with Shawn Johnson! What an amazing opportunity!

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