Parents DD Just Got Sctratched from STATE!

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:( Her coach was making the decision today and I just got the call. This has been a tough couple of months for her between crashes and injuries (hyper-extended her knee Friday night). I mean I knew...sorta. The tough part will be telling her. She still has to go to practice and workout what she can with all of her teammates that are going to State. She told me last night when I picked her up that she felt sure she could just "work thru it". I don't think she understands just how badly she could injure it.
Think good thought's for us today around 3pm when I pick her up to take her to the gym. I'll have to drop the bomb then.
Ooh, I don't envy you that discussion. Can you offer her something really fun to do instead? It won't take away the disappointment, but it may take the sting out a little.
I am so sorry she will miss States. I know this is very hard, and telling her will not be fun. However, the risk of making her injury worse and having to quit gym would be worse. Best of luck.

thoughts and prayers will be w/you at 3pm
That is a bummer. Good luck. What level is she? Can she petition to regionals?
Oh no. My thoughts and positive vibes going out to both of you this afternoon.
I am so sorry to hear that, though it does sound like the best thing given her injury. I know she will be disappointed. I hope that you can do something to make it up to her.

Oh my gosh..thats awful.Good luck my thoughts are with you.
:( big hugs to both of you:(:(:(
I hope she is okay with it. I will be thinking about both of your today:(
So sorry to hear this disappointing news:( But she has to do what's safe...and heal. Best wishes to both of you. I'll keep you in my prayers.
That's heartbreaking! but it will be better for her in the end to not cause more injury. That won't help her through today though. Why don't you offer her the chance to leave practice early today orr not go at all and let her do something she doesn;t uually get to. Within reason of course. She may really need the distraction, depending on how upset she is. One mised practice won't hurt. My heart goes out to you, but this too shall pass. Be strong for your dd and lots and lots of hugs and kisses to her!
So sorry to hear that. Has she been practicing all week expecting to go? What about just doing bars? I know she's had her share of issues with beam, but that would be an option also. I've seen alot of girls scratch some events at states, but at least still have the "states experience."

FIRST let me say that I am so thankful to have this site to share my feelings.

:)That was a long ride to gym today. She didn't believe me. She kept trying to convince me she could work thru it. :( I had to just tell her that the decision was already made. She didn't cry, she just turned toward the window and didn't say a word. I felt sick to my stomach.
I do booster club work in the gym on Wednesday so I peeked in on her a couple of times.
OMG, Moms, what I saw broke my heart. It was one of the saddest things ever. Her team was running thru their routines in prep for States with everyone standing around the floor cheering each other on. Then I saw my dd, alone on the bars doing skin-the-cats. I could see tears drop off her face when she got upside down.
So I did what any good mom would do...I called the salon and begged them to fit her in :). I got the okay from coach and treated her to ice cream and a new haircut. The perfect remedy for a broken hearted 11 yo.
I'll break it to her tomorrow that the rest of her week is going to be filled with doctors appointments and an MRI.
oh, that broke MY heart. positive thoughts are with you both.
Poor baby, made me cry too.:bawling: You did the right thing taking her home. I hope the week goes fast for her...
That just breaks my heart - I am glad you were able to make the day a little better w/ the haircut and ice cream. It is so hard for a kid that age to understand.

good luck, thoughts and prayers are still w/ you & dd.
How heartbreaking. I do hope she is alright and the pain of not getting to go to states heals quickly too. At least the coach was looking out for what was in the best interest of your sweetie. Best of luck with the appointments you have coming up.
That must be so disappointing for her. You probably helped her emensely by taking her out for a hair cut and ice cream. What a great mommy you are!! :) I hope all the tests come back the way you want them to. Can she still attend states? It may help her to go and cheer on her teammates!:applause: I wish you both the best. Please keep us posted!
Sorry to hear the news. I know how hard it can be. My daughter was recently scrathed from her states for a knee injury and last year for an elbow injury. Believe it or not it will make her a stronger person and when she is healthy she may come back with a great deal of ghusto. I also agree that going to states with her teammates and cheerig them on is a great idea. What level is she?
That was so sad! I'm so sorry for your DD. I'll keep her (and you, too) in my thoughts. Tell her we're all rooting for her.

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