dd moving up too

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I just got the news my 7 yo dd is moving to the Shining Stars level after only a few months in this current level. I guess this is level 2 moving to level 3, if I am understanding the gym's system correctly. I'm so excited for her. Maybe this sounds like small potatoes, especially with all the upper level folks here, but heck...I'm so excited for her! :) Just thought I'd share.
Dazed --- how WONDERFUL!!! for your little one:cutie:. I am sure she is so excited, they grow and progress so quickly right before our eyes :applause: all the best to you... does your gym do competitions for each level?
not in the lower levels. They have fun meets however, to give girls a sense of what competition is like. Honestly I'm not sure what level they start competing. Maybe that'll be the next step.
My dd is a level 3 also. She will be competing this year. They do a meet a month.
YAY!! moving up is always exciting, especially for the little ones! Congrats to your daughter--she's going to have a blast
Dazed, congratulations to your daughter! That is so exciting!!

They are going to compete Jan through June. The season starts in Nov but they will not be ready. We are very excited. I just ordered her first pair of grips.

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