Parents Do I say something?

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Last night after practice J was very upset and in tears. She is 7 but is not a dramatic child so I was concerned. She is training/will compete L5. Their first meet is 9/25. At practice last night there were 3 coaches, all younger than 21. That was it. When they broke up into groups, the coach running practice put J in a group with the girls training L4. She pointed out she is training L5 and he told her, no you are in that group and are going to compete L4. She did as she was told and worked on the L4 routines at practice.

Afterward when I picked her up I could see something was wrong. Once we got in the car she fell apart. She is very excited by the L5 skills (she has all of them, and knows all the routines well) She asked me what she did wrong, why was she put back with the other group. I have no idea.

So do I ask/say something? I don't think telling her this, if its true, in front of all the girls was appropriate. I should add the coach who said this is not the HC or even the lead coach for the compulsaries. None of the actual coaches were there last night, this was just a "fill-in" crew of sorts.

Am I being "that" mom? Do I let her work it out with the coaches or do I step in?

Let me clarify I don't care if she competes L4, L5 or if she just trains, but I do want to make sure she is happy at gym.
First off, I am so sorry that J was so upset--I hate it when they get so upset and breakdown like that--it leaves you feeling so helpless. I would definitely say something. Maybe approach it to the owners/head coach in an inquiring way as to exactly what level J will be competing at. Let them know that she was put in a Level 4 training group afer she had previously been with the Level 5's and that you understood that she would be competing Level 5. At this point, you are just asking for some clarification, because obviously it is needed.

At our gym, they always put it in writing what your child will be competing so there is no guessing and no misunderstandings down the road.

Good luck and I hope you get this straightened out. (((Hugs))) to J!!
I am sorry that she was so upset. I can understand why. I would talk to the HC and just explain that happened and that you and J are confused as to where she is going to compete this year and that you just need some clarity.

We are going through the whole "what Level are you competing" right now and it is on my last nerve. :) My DD competed L7 last year and has trained L8 all summer and we still have no idea where she is going to land. I wish they would make a decision so she can move forward. I do have my suspicion that she will do L7 again because she does not have her Yuerchenko yet and I am thinking that it's not coming anytime soon.

Sorry, that I hijacked your post. I do hope that you get it all resolved soon.
Aww poor thing! Yes, I'd say something. As a coach, I'd rather the parents and gymnasts asked if there was something confusing them!

It might have just been a mistake. I know these things happen in gyms, particularly when the usual coaches are away - And even when they're not!
We had one coach tell an 6yr old gymnast that she would be moving up into the next group - even told her the date of move, even though none of this info had come from the head coach! It resulted in a very upset gymnast, as she wasn't due to move up a group at all!
Yes, ask the head coach. You need (and have the right to) know what level your dd is going to compete.
You really need to talk to the HC. Neither you or your DD will be happy or able to move on unless you do. I would suspect that the HC would not have wanted your child to experience that incident, no matter what the situation is with her level.

Don't worry too much about being "that parent". The gym is a business and you are the customer. I have had similar experiences over the years and have usually found that the HC and gym management are very sensitive to the way in which things are handled. It is usually not the responsibility of a young assistant coach to inform a gymnast that they have been moved down or not been moved up so I would bet there has been some kind of miscommunication here.
Aww poor thing! I would say something right away. Maybe it was just an error on their part or they may have her repeat. I would want to know too! Our gym has some girls train L5 during the Summer too and pretty much move up if they have kip. That is the BIGGIE. If they weren't her regular coaches though maybe they just tossed her in w/L4's because they didn't know. Good luck and I hope you get it straightened out soon.
Ask the Coach. If the meet is a month away, they have probably already registered her. They will know what level she is registered at!
Thank you everyone. I made a call and talked to the acting HC. She told me she was unsure why the coach told J that and it was not correct.

Im glad to have the situation cleared up but bothered by the situation.
I would ask the head coach then you can clarify it with your daugher and help her adjust to what she will be competing ecspecailly since she is so upset.
Thank you everyone. I made a call and talked to the acting HC. She told me she was unsure why the coach told J that and it was not correct.

Im glad to have the situation cleared up but bothered by the situation.

Glad that worked out for you and your daughter. Trust that the "situation" is likely being addressed by the HC with the assistant and that you now know that you can approach with questions and get answers! Knowing this, your daughter probably will not get so upset if there are any miscommunications in the future.
So glad you talked to the HC and got it all figured out. Guess the other coach just didn't have a clue.
I figured it was just a mistake, and I'm so glad it was!

Don't be afraid to discuss matters with coaches which involve your dd being upset. After all, she is a child, and they are in a business with children, so they ought to understand and address the concern of the child or regarding the child's welfare, whatever that concern may be.

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