WAG Endurance ideas

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Sep 1, 2022
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I want to improve my endurance, mainly for my floor routine. However, running and biking outside are not great options because my shins need rest and because of the weather most of the time.

Does anybody have ideas for things I can do both at the gym and at home (mainly at home) to improve endurance that don't stress the shins too much?
Especially ideas for shorter things (up to 10 min) that I can do often are appreciated.
Thanks for the ideas. It does seem a bit harsh on the shins here and there, but I may give them a try.
Thanks for the ideas. It does seem a bit harsh on the shins here and there, but I may give them a try.

Did you look up any workouts yet? I just gave you 2 things to search for. I'm not going to search the entire internet for things that don't have any lower body impact for you.

If you don't have a spin bike... then buy one.
I’d also add make sure you’re eating enough, especially carbs!
Did you look up any workouts yet? I just gave you 2 things to search for. I'm not going to search the entire internet for things that don't have any lower body impact for you.
I am looking up "HIIT workout", I thought tabata was the name of the person but I now realise I can look that up too. Also, I hadn't looked them up yet because I thought it was polite to reply first.
Definitely can't buy a spin bike but thanks for the idea :).

I just gave you 2 things to search for. I'm not going to search the entire internet for things that don't have any lower body impact for you.
I don't expect you to, of course not. Hope I didn't come across that way. I honestly made this post thinking some people may have fun ideas that they think are fun to share. I always enjoy sharing my own ideas. I didn't think anybody would go doing effort they don't feel like doing by looking things up for me when they don't want to.
Thats awesome, my daughter recently started working with one a couple months ago too and its been really eye opening how much fuel gymnasts actually need!
Thats awesome, my daughter recently started working with one a couple months ago too and its been really eye opening how much fuel gymnasts actually need!
Sounds like she has a good one :). Good luck to both of you too.
It can be kind of frustrating in a world where everyone is focussed on weight loss to focus on eating more and gaining weight, but it's super important especially if you want to get skills that take strength, and to feel healthy.
Interval work and just aerobic work in general. You could just go ride your bike to school/work every day. That covers at least the basics. Add some HIIT at home (no need for impact work, do Kettlebell work, squats, deadlifts etc. instead) and you are all set.
A lot of hollow body holds with scissor legs or v-ups for a minute or so at a time can help. We have a our girls do conditioning like that while others do floor routines.

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