Parents Extra Fairies needed!!

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Sat AM, any extra fairies would be greatly appreciated. Won't need em again till next season so we will gladly send them back promptly!! ;)

J just needs to get a 31 and she can put L5 behind her. If not she has to wait till next year and try again. :indifferent:
Sending her luck, but that sounds absolutely crazy to me. One chance to score out of level 5 when there are a ton of meets still available in the fall season? What is the rush? She could do level 5 all Fall season? Sounds like a recipe for burn out to me. And sounds like a whole lot of pressure for a 7 year old. Even kids I know who have rushed through the levels knew they had more than one chance to get the score to move to the next level. How sad. :(
Best of luck to your daughter and fairies being sent your way. LOL. If only we could send them for real.
Unfortunately Mariposa, this will be her only meet. We are moving to Colorado, which only has a fall compulsary season. When we move (late Oct) there will not be enough time to order a leo/register for meets.

No one is placing any pressure on J, just hoping for her sake it works out.

Recipe for burnout?:confused:
Extra fairies...hope it works out for her!

But...maybe, when she moves, if you find that gym that is a perfect fit for her and she doesn't get the 31AA before the move, maybe they train her level 5/6, take her to just the first meet to score out of 5 then let her do 6...I mean, if she has that whole years sounds like she should be able to be ready.
I hear about lots of kids doing that. Doesn't seem unreasonable and if she knows this, it might take the pressure off and she'll just get that score now. I fully believe this sport is "mental" gymnastics as well as physical.
Anyway:), good luck to her! I bet she does great!
Have you found a gym in CO. Because I know that most clubs would help out in this situation, getting the leo is easy if they know ahead, the same with meet registrations. IF you know where you are going give them a call and ask them for what J needs. I imagine she could even get away with not having the leo as long as she is registered.
Sending you positive vibes! Worst case scenario, though, she has to compete one L5 meet before moving into her L6 season in Colorado. I'm sure she will have her L6 bars after a full year of training. Do you have a new gym all picked out yet?
Unfortunately Mariposa, this will be her only meet. We are moving to Colorado, which only has a fall compulsary season. When we move (late Oct) there will not be enough time to order a leo/register for meets.

No one is placing any pressure on J, just hoping for her sake it works out.

Recipe for burnout?:confused:

My apologies. I remembered you talking about a plan to fast track her through to level 7 and the way you worded it and your sad faced looked like you were frustrated about her only having one chance.

I would imagine that she could compete in a borrowed leo (and there are no rules that I know of about leos, even a plain, similarly colored leo would work, I have seen girls compete in a different leo than teammates) and pay late registration fees for most meets and that a new club would help her out with that, especially since they only have fall season there and she has already worked so hard to compete level 5 this year. Like everyone said, worst case, she does one level 5 meet next year and then finishes the season as a level 6 if they are fast tracking her. And I would hope your gym would possibly help her to go to another meet there in LV to get her another opportunity, though of course you would be responsible for the fees.

I hope she gets her score, but most importantly hope she has a great first level 5 meet experience and that she isn't being stressed about the scores, first meets are tough enough as it is! She is so young and there is plenty of time for her!
Faries are being sent and you can keep them as long as you want.

It's times like these that I wish there was standard season for the whole country. Then kids who have to move mid season don't miss out like J will and my dd.

We will be moving to Texas in December and their compulsory season will be over while ours in PA is just getting started. Dd opted to repeat level 5 so she would have a chance at a successful season (fears sidelined her) but the timing of our move means she will have to wait another year. Anyway, didn't mean to hijack your thread. Faries are on the way.
Thx for the good luck wishes everyone!

I should clarify, J is oblivious to the score issue. We haven't mentioned it to her. And at 7, i'm not sure she would understand anyway. Way too much pressure! She is just excited to compete and I am excited for her.

I appreciate the idea of calling the new gym, I think I will.

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