Favorite Current US Gymnast!

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I thought it would be fun to name our #1 US gymnast, Senior and Junior. The only requirement is that they currently have to be on the National Team.

My #1 Senior: Alicia Sacramone
My #1 Junior: Sam Shapiro
I really like Bridget Sloan and Ivana Hong! I think they'll be really good in a couple of years. Shawn is definately number one though :p
This is really hard! my favorite seniors are:
1. Nastia Liukin
2. Shawn Johnson
3. Ivana Hong
...and i don't really know any juniors :p
For me it's a tie between Shawn Johnson and Ivana Hong. Shawn's so powerful and looks so solid all the time, but I absolutely die for Ivana's clean lines, and I adore her bars routine!. I'm a sucker for german giants:)
Nastia only had a bad season because she was still recovering from her injury...I think she'll be back and better than ever in 2008!! =)
Shawn Johnson Nastia Liukin Ivana Hong Alicia Sacramone Samantha Pezcek Bridgit SLoan ok basically the whole senior team did I forget anyone or spell their names wrong?
I haven`t seen enough of the juniors to tell...
But for the seniors.....1. Nastia, 2, Jana Bieger

I also hope to get to see some more of Tessa Pama!
#1 Senior is- Nastia liukin, she's been my favorite gymnast since she was a junior.

#1 Junior- Samantha Shapiro, she has AMAZING form and makes everything look amazing even if it is just simple. And she has power too.
Nastia, then Shawn as a close second, and Alicia Sacramone as my third :)

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