At age 8, my daughter started competing level 3. At 9, she finished level 3, scored out of 4, 5, and competed 6.
Seriously you have no idea what kind of path life could take you on. Mine was first invited to level 1/2 when she just turned 5, but I didn’t think she was ready to deal with the stress of competing (and she has always found competing to be stressful). We put her in pre team at another gym at her coaches recommendation, she did level 1 at 6, level 2 at 7, and I know most states don’t even do those levels but where we are… they are super popular.
We moved gyms due to a coaching conflict, but the new gym looked at my daughter on bars and asked why would she be competing level 3. Her old gym was a great foundation, but she’s been able to fly in optionals.
No gym has ever told us she was too old for any level (or her best friend who is 11.5 and done the same levels), I would side eye anyone who didn’t see a pathway for an 8 year old at level 3. If she does level 4 at 9, she’s going to be in the younger age group at nearly every meet. If she then goes to level 6 or 7 at 10, welcome to being in Junior A, where we live! Uh… sounds super old lol