My dd has had a serious mental block with her bhs on beam. She will do a ro back tuck on the beam - but was afraid to jump backwards onto her hands. She will do bwo bwo though - it was just the jumping thing. It goes back two years ago when at a meet a girl was doing a bhs bhs and on the 2nd bhs missed the beam with her hands and the side of her face took the full impact and actually knocked her out and she was taken away in an ambulance. My dd was right there when it happened and 9 years old - kinda freaked her out. Anyway - she just wouldn't do them - her coach was ok with it since there was plenty of other stuff she could and would do on the beam that met the requirements. But last night out of nowhere she was doing them (with a spot) on the high beam and they weren't nearly as bad as I thought they would be. She was so excited and proud of herself. I'm sure she still has a long way to go before she is doing them on her own - but at least she is making progress