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This feels very surreal. They haven't closed our schools yet in our county, BUT, the entire state of TX has cancelled all High School sports competitions, and my kids' school district has suspended all field trips. And, the school district next-door to ours has closed all their schools until May 8!

Let's all pray for this virus to cool it, shall we? :eek:
Wow that is such a huge reaction. I just keep reminding everyone that there is flu every year and lots of people die of it every year. The flu has not killed anyone outside of Mexico yet, though it is terrible that it has killed so many there, and it maybe due to better health care. Tamiflu is effective in the treatment.

Keep washing those hands and never couh or sneeze into your hands, go for the elbow.

Seems rather premature to be cancelling kids activities just in case, but the way the media is handling this virus is way over the top. If they sensationalised deahts by drunk driving in the same way we'd have it fixed within a month.
Yes, the reaction is big. I am a nurse, and I worked on a research project for the CDC on emerging infections. I am a bit surprised, having been around those in the 'biz', but when the gov. gets inolved, you never know WHAT will happen.

The fact that this bug is sensitive to (meaning it is killed by) anti-virals (Tamiflu), makes me not so scared of it. And most of the poeple infected in the US are simply recovering at home w/ the help of the medication. BUT, if we are all too cavalier about it, aren't careful, and lots of people get sick, we COULD run out of the medicine. Then things will get dicey.

One poor child did die here in the US just the other day, but I beleive that child came from Mexico and came to TX. I think that is why our State is going a bit haywire. If we don't show the world that we are being cautious, well, we could be in trouble later.

So, if we have to err on the side of caution, I just hope it will stem the tide of the virus, and we may get thru this quicker.

I can recommend a great book about flu, caled "The Great Influenza" by John Barry (think that's his name off the top of my head). It's an easy, interesting read for the lay person (not too technical or boring), and explains the virus and how it acts (which is really amazing).

Stay healthy everyone, and llike Bog said, wash those hands! Lets hope those who feel sick stay home!
Wow that is such a huge reaction. I just keep reminding everyone that there is flu every year and lots of people die of it every year. The flu has not killed anyone outside of Mexico yet, though it is terrible that it has killed so many there, and it maybe due to better health care. Tamiflu is effective in the treatment.

Keep washing those hands and never couh or sneeze into your hands, go for the elbow.

Seems rather premature to be cancelling kids activities just in case, but the way the media is handling this virus is way over the top. If they sensationalised deahts by drunk driving in the same way we'd have it fixed within a month.

I'd have to agree. I'm currently in Australia, but I keep up with the American news when I can, and I think it is pretty ridiclous how the media is making this way over the top. My best friend's niece got a fever and instantly everyone thought it was the swine flu. They took her to the doctor and the first thing he said was "No, it isn't the swine flu". That's how many people he said had came in with a simple flu, freaking out, and saying is it the swine flu?!
Yes, the reaction is big. I am a nurse, and I worked on a research project for the CDC on emerging infections. I am a bit surprised, having been around those in the 'biz', but when the gov. gets inolved, you never know WHAT will happen.

I think you know exactly what happens with big bro gets involved. DELAYS.

Just look at the recent re-naming from "Swine Flu" to H1N1. I'm 100% confident the Pork processers in the U.S. had a hand in that making that decision, and I'm equally sure that it probably took a week of committee meetings to "officially" remove the viruses nickname. I'm sure the CDC was rolling their eyes when that very important decision made it to the agenda.

Since the US already has a stockpile of 50 Million units of Tamiflu, according to the Presidents address last night, one would think that they would begin the immediate distribution of the medication. Especially to states that are close to Mexico.

If I understand correctly, Tamiflu doesn't "cure" the flu, but rather prevent it from fully forming...making it less volitile. It also takes time (in weeks) to do it's thing. And, like many medications, the vacine has a limited shelf life. Is this a correct assessment?

So -- Arn't "preventative" measures called for at the moment? It would certainly seem so, but since the political arm of the government is involved, I'm sure they are working to make sure any release doesnt 'disenfranchise' any portion of the population - making those in Washington look bad.

The Media and Washington is notorious for grandstanding.
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In a British news paper it has been nicknamed The Aporkalypse!

Point taken Tim-dad, too much politics involved in this.
If I understand correctly, Tamiflu doesn't "cure" the flu, but rather prevent it from fully forming...making it less volitile. It also takes time (in weeks) to do it's thing. And, like many medications, the vacine has a limited shelf life. Is this a correct assessment?

Correct. Tamiflu does not cure the flu, but it lessens the severity of the course of the infection. The risk w/ flu is the serious respiratory probs that can occur, either primary pneumonia from the flu virus, or a bacterial pneumonia secondary to being compromised by the virus.

Tamiflu is not a vaccine, it is an anti-viral medication (kind of like an antibiotic). A vaccine is being worked on, but they have to grow it from people who have been infected first. It takes a while to process it and get it on the shelves. Maybe 6 months. And this is a new form of flu virus that has not been seen before, so there are no existing vaccines that would help.

So the only preventative measures available at this point are quarantine, hand washing, etc.
Ah, there's no need to worry, there's plenty of good oinkments to help :D, although I have heard it's a real pig to get rid of. Heeheee.

I didn't die of bird flu, SARS or mad cow disease, it's just being way hyped up again.

One last one, I promise... I did have mad cow disease but I'm alright nooooooooo :D
I am so cool.
they closed a school here in britain near london because of it...
if they hear someones ill they think its swine flu... kinda weird :P
they closed a school here in britain near london because of it...
if they hear someones ill they think its swine flu... kinda weird :P

That's what I said earlier. Everyone is instantly thinking OMG IT'S THE SWINE FLU, when usually it's just a temperature and some stomach gunk.

They changed the name? Oh please...America is ridiclous. And I'm not being prejudiced (afterall I AM an American) but come on? Make a buck make a buck it seems...
I guess I see it as just another flu strain. Yes people will die from this but the same can be said for the common flu. Everyone is in a panic I believe because it will be a world wide infection all at once. Why are people surprised at this. People travel ALOT more in todays society to more and more remote locations more often. I know when I was a kid just going to a cottage on a local lake an hours drive away from home for a week was a big family vacation, hardly anyone went to Mexico (or any big vacation like that) for any type of vacation.

Now you have hundreds of thousands of College kids heading there for spirng break from all over and folks wonder how its spreading all over the country or world for that fact. In The whole month of April there is a week long spring break for some region of the country.

Don't get me wrong here I am very sympathetic and feel terrible to those who have died from this flu and wish no one has to endure the death of a loved one from this. I think its just awful!

- but did you know according to the CDC that About 30,000 to 40,000 deaths occur in the US alone due to the common flu each year in the United States. That number could equate to 300,000 to 500,000 deaths worldwide.The majority of flu-related deaths occur in people over the age of 65 (or those with compromised immune systems). You never hear stories of "local person dies of common flu" on the news.

I think I'll just keep doing the normal things I do during flu season - wash hands alot keep some hand sanitizer and wipes on me for those times I can't wash. Just common sense prevention for catching flu.
I'm sorry, I feel compelled to reply! I just want to make sure we understand how this virus differs from 'regular' flu.

This flu is a combination of human, avian, and pig types, which makes it much more unpredictable than 'regular' flu (human type). This is also a new strain, which means we really don't know what it's mortality rate is going to be yet. And until the reports of confirmed cases start coming in and being studied by the epidemiology types, it is actually a good idea to be extra careful.

Another thing that goes on w/ these mixed animal/human strains is 'antigenic drift' and 'antigenic shift'. I won't go ino it, but if you are at all curious, just google it. This particular virus may not be done 'evolving'.

So, yes the media is screaming as usual, and that is a pain. But we do need to err on the side of caution until more is known about this strain, and until we really start to see how it's going to act. Lucky for us, it is susceptible to 'tamiflu' right now.

I am going on about my life as usual too. The mall, out to dinner, etc. And I am being maybe a tad more vigilant about the hand-washing. But I am not opposed to the overly-cautious measures being taken. It's for our benefit, after all. :)
I'm sorry, I feel compelled to reply! I just want to make sure we understand how this virus differs from 'regular' flu.

This flu is a combination of human, avian, and pig types, which makes it much more unpredictable than 'regular' flu (human type). This is also a new strain, which means we really don't know what it's mortality rate is going to be yet. And until the reports of confirmed cases start coming in and being studied by the epidemiology types, it is actually a good idea to be extra careful.

Another thing that goes on w/ these mixed animal/human strains is 'antigenic drift' and 'antigenic shift'. I won't go ino it, but if you are at all curious, just google it. This particular virus may not be done 'evolving'.

So, yes the media is screaming as usual, and that is a pain. But we do need to err on the side of caution until more is known about this strain, and until we really start to see how it's going to act. Lucky for us, it is susceptible to 'tamiflu' right now.

I am going on about my life as usual too. The mall, out to dinner, etc. And I am being maybe a tad more vigilant about the hand-washing. But I am not opposed to the overly-cautious measures being taken. It's for our benefit, after all. :)

Swine flu (H1N1 strain) isn't as "new" as you think. If you look at the history of the strain you will see.

In the United States, the first deaths of the H1N1 virus (swine flue) were recorded among sailors in Boston in late August 1918, but the epidemic quickly spread to all parts of the country In "virus" terms it's new but its been "offically" around 81 years (young in virus terms)

From time to time certain strains of virus return. A disagreeable Russian virus known as H1N1 caused severe outbreaks over wide areas in 1933, then again in the 1950s, and yet again in the 1970s. Where it went in the meantime each time is uncertain. One suggestion is that viruses hid out unnoticed in populations of wild animals before trying their hand at a new generation of humans. No one can rule out the possibility that the Great Swine flu epidemic might once again rear its head

Personally I think a virus that has been around for 81 years has enough history for the "professional" to make educated predictioins
SOOOOOO Crazy!! Everyone Is OVER REACTING!! All the schools in our area had an automated phone call to all the families on Friday afternoon. Basicly saying that any child with any cold/flu like symptoms need to have a doctors note before they can return to school also they need a detailed report stating where they went over this past week (april vacation week) before they can return to school on Monday!! Give me a break!! My kid has had a bad cold which has him coughing like he has TB due to Asthma. It sounds Awful but it really isn't anywhere near as bad as it sounds. Any way he went to the doctors on Monday so we could get an asthma med perscription renewal and again on Wed because he ended up getting hives from seasonal allergies. On Friday I called the DR and told them we needed a note stating he did not have swine flu and permission for him to carry an inhaler and take the med at school. Usually they have it ready in an hour well I am friends with several of the girls at the DR's office and they said since the school put out that notice all they have had time to do is calm parents to let them know that a simple cold symptom with out exposure to someone with Swine flu does not need to be seen. My notes were finally ready on SUNDAY at 8:30 am!!! That's 2 full days to get notes that usually take an hour to get. The girl in the office knew me and was going crazy. Sat was a zoo in there and the were open until 6pm on Sat seeing parents with kids with simple colds that now need notes etc for kids to go to school. Usually they are only open 9 - 12 on Sat.

Enough is enough of this over kill on this. I'm so sick of it already.

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