Gymnasts Flyaway mental block

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Apr 14, 2024
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Hello, I am a Xcel gold gymnast trying to move up to platinum. I only need 2-3 more skills, one of them being a tuck flyaway. I’ve done it multiple times on pit bar with, and without a spot. I’ve hit my toes multiple times, and the last time I did it I let go too early and tucked my knees into my face and hit my eye. I now have a black eye. Does anyone have tips on how to get it after having a mental block? Or does anyone have tips to communicate this to my coach and try to learn it differently?
I feel like what you wrote is something I wrote (very similar experiences). I have had my flyaway on and off now for 3-4 years.

What has helped me regain it the times I have lost it and got it back is the drop drill (tap swing and landing on your back into a pit or on a resi mat)

Another thing that helped is when I felt ready to flip, but was scared to try on the high bar with a spot, is to have by coach spot me on a low bar flyaway.

Hope these help you and good luck, You can do it!
Hello, I am a Xcel gold gymnast trying to move up to platinum. I only need 2-3 more skills, one of them being a tuck flyaway. I’ve done it multiple times on pit bar with, and without a spot. I’ve hit my toes multiple times, and the last time I did it I let go too early and tucked my knees into my face and hit my eye. I now have a black eye. Does anyone have tips on how to get it after having a mental block? Or does anyone have tips to communicate this to my coach and try to learn it differently?
When I was 9 learning a flyaway I had a major accident where I dropped off pit bar almost straight down and my knee went to my mouth. This isn’t to scare you just to let you know it does become easier. With help from my coaches we slowly went back to them spotted and got it back for my competition 2 months later. The best thing you can do is never try to be tentative in the skill. Swinging bigger and going for it will make sure your never hurt. Try focusing on the basics of tap swings, and a great dorky from high bar is tap swing land in candlestick on stacked mats and backward roll. Your basically doing half the flip already in this drill!
This drill is great... it separates you from the bar and flips you...

I totally agree! Mental blocks are so hard but it’s important to get back up at at least try it again. Freak accident happen, when I was learning flyaways, I did it by myself on the pit bar and broke 4/5 toes which took me out for half the season. I wasn’t asked to try it again until the summer and I got scared. Instead of working through it I just gave up. 3 years later, I still won’t do a flyaway, I’ve done just about every non-salto dismount possible and am now starting to work toe-fronts because salto dismounts are a requirement for the next level. Give yourself some time to realize what happened was a freak accident and take baby steps. You got it, I’m rooting for you!!!
While your gym may require it, a flyaway is not required for platinum and there are other allowable bar dismounts (underswing and toe circle being the ones I see most often). Might be worth talking to your coaches to see if they'd consider an alternative.
When I was 9 learning a flyaway I had a major accident where I dropped off pit bar almost straight down and my knee went to my mouth. This isn’t to scare you just to let you know it does become easier. With help from my coaches we slowly went back to them spotted and got it back for my competition 2 months later. The best thing you can do is never try to be tentative in the skill. Swinging bigger and going for it will make sure your never hurt. Try focusing on the basics of tap swings, and a great dorky from high bar is tap swing land in candlestick on stacked mats and backward roll. Your basically doing half the flip already in this drill!
Thank you!

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