So the other day I found this really fun game online...
It's kind of like pictionary but there's other people online that you play against. It's really addicting once I starting playing(like one of those games where you say just one more game but you end up playing like 10 more times lol). Has anyone else played it? So if you have time to kill, I'd say go and give it a try. Oh, and tell me if you liked it!

(By the way,I'm FlipFlop28 if any of you go end up playing and see that name!
It's kind of like pictionary but there's other people online that you play against. It's really addicting once I starting playing(like one of those games where you say just one more game but you end up playing like 10 more times lol). Has anyone else played it? So if you have time to kill, I'd say go and give it a try. Oh, and tell me if you liked it!

(By the way,I'm FlipFlop28 if any of you go end up playing and see that name!