Funny Things Gymnasts say

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Aug 31, 2010
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Forgive me if there is already a thread of this nature

But isn't it funny when your little gymmies say gym things incorrectly?

Example...tonight...little one got her back walk over.
Her reaction....
"I did it!! I did my back walk-er-er"

"middle circle".

I had one who talked about getting her back tux. And a few who call a barani a brownie.
Last year DD came home so excited..she told me she was learning how to do tic tacs (tic tocks) The next time she went to gym I was talking to her coach telling her how excited she was to be learning "tic tacs". He coach asked her what flavor she was working on. Her reply..."Silly, you cant eat them". Then just shook her head and walked away. It went right over her

Another thing she said, after getting 1st AA..her dad said "way to go superstar"..and she says..just as straight faced as could be. "I know, you should have just named me Nastia" :eek:. Kids got a sense of humor on her..and she doesnt skip a beat with it
HC asked my DD to visualize herself doing her beam routine (this was @ states @ DD was the only one from her team in that session). According to HC DD closed her eyes for a minute, opened them & said " I got a 10. And, I was really tan!"
LOL!! I love this thread :)

Last night DD insisted that she needed to do her splits before bed, so we did them. Afterwards she told me, "okay, I have a big day tomorrow Mom! I need to get to bed. Remember Mom, in the morning - school, homework, splits, handstands, cartwheels, then play." Um....she's 4 - not much homework or schooling to be done, though she does have preschool today. LOL!
I coach preschool classes at my gym and we ask the kids to sit with both legs out straight in front of them and ask them what that is called and the majority of the preschoolers think it's called a 'Pipe' instead of a 'Pike'.
overheard @ beam...

2 little ones working on handstands

"YES! I sticked mine"!
.."Awww lucky. I falled on mine"

LOL :)
dd always called bike shorts "pike shorts" and a biketard "piketard". I guess it's all about what you do in them.
My DD called it "buh-nash-ticks" for the longest time- now at 7 she gets embarrassed when we call it that :)
We still call it nastics because that is what dd called it for the longest time.
haha one of the girls I coach always comes out with random things!

A recent favourite was when she came in to gym one day and was telling me (quite seriously) that she was really going to work on her floor routine and try and "spazz it up". We had quite a lengthy conversation about this as she described what she was going to do (all the while I was trying to keep a straight face!) and she kept repeating it. I knew what she meant but couldn't think what the word she was actually meaning to say was.
I eventually worked out she meant she was going to put a bit of pizazz in her routine! :p
There's a littler one on pre-team that looks up to me, since our families have been friends for years. She's said some hysterical things!

"Can I have that leo-sard when you grow it out of it?" Leosard? Not sure if I have one of those, but you can have my leoTARD.
"Let's go to gym-NAST-ics now!" She puts such a big emphasis on the "nast", it's really cute.
"Will you help me with my spits and my black-over?" Spilts and back walkover :)
"Are you going to couch me today?" I'll coach you, but it'll hurt if I couch you!
"I sticked it! I haven't falled once on my sit-on!" You STUCK it and didn't FALL on your SQUAT-ON? Good job!
"Will you help me with my triple back flip twist?" I don't think so, dear...
Here's what happened when I came home with a new bottle of conditioner for my dd. It's says clearly on the bottle: NO TEARS! NO KNOTS! NO FLYAWAYS! Well, I'm sure you can guess the rest. She's no where near ready to learn a flyaway yet but I'm sure I won't catch her using that conditioner any time soon.
I was trying to explain the Bonus system to one of my young level 9's. She listened- and said- "Oh I get it." You tell the judge what you are going to do for bonus points and then she gives them to you-awesome!" It was really cute- bc then I had to explain that you dont tell the judge your skills- you do them and the judges then know how to add up the bonus points.
I admit to saying some very unitelligent mummbling while under the influence of 7 little girls whom i love to death. Yesterday whilst tired out of my mind i supposedly commented on the prones we were working on;

"THERE CALLED PRONES?! like the fish? wait no thats prawn like a shrimp... SO WE ARE DOING SHRIMPS?"

Then my coach continued to call them shrimps for the remainder of practice "You have 3 more shrimps then you can go" lol

There is also a mat that i use all the time and i decided to call him "tommy" and then found out there were two of the same mats and called the second mat "timmy" and only i know who is who, lol my coach calls them tommy mats now.
One younger girl on my team was doing 3 punch fronts in a row, and she told us to watch her triple front. Haha

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