Funny Things People who don't do gym have said?

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haha everyone is amazed that we can do splits and im like guys im not even that flexable!
lol. one times i was explaining my bars to a friend and she goes

"you know when all the ESL (English as a second language) kids speak their Mexican and Chinese?"
"well, Britt, that's what it sounds like to me."
"I'm getting really flexible, I can touch my toes and do the side splits now."
Heard after gymnastics session in PE. I nearly fainted.
"I'm getting really flexible, I can touch my toes and do the side splits now."
Heard after gymnastics session in PE. I nearly fainted.

What the heck do they mean by side splits??? Like a straddle....

you should of said "no! just cuz u can touch ur toes doesnt mean ur flexible!"
I hate it when people will brag about being flexible when they just aren't!
My friend Matt and I speak almost exclusively French to each other, and my best friend hates it so much, as she takes Spanish. One day Matt and I were having a talk about gymnastics skills (he's an ex-gymnast) and my best friend was like-"YOu guys are horrible. Even when you speak English you don't speak real English"
ahhh hahaha. everyones stories are hilarious. "you got a perfect 9!" lol!

every night my dad asks me:
" was your day today? did you learn any new skills on the poles?"
"oh right right, so how were your tkatchevs on vault today"
"DAD, tkatchevs are on bars, not on vault! do you mean yurchencos??"
"yea yea those"

its SO embarrasing to take him to meets when he asks my teammates all those questions, but i love my dad to death. he always makes me laugh because he has no clue what he's talking about.

my friends at school were like, "Oh ya i saw stick it yesterday! and they did those flips in the box!"
"uhhh.... um i think your talking about floor???"
"yea whatever same thing"

haha love them!
My husband was watching tv and was flipping thru channels when "Cirque du Soleil' happened to be on one of them and he runs out to the kitchen to tell me that I'm missing an exciting gymnastics meet with three gymnasts on the "ropes"!! LOL I had to explain to him that although circus performers can do gymnastics, cirque du soleil is NOT a gymnastics meet :)
My husband was watching tv and was flipping thru channels when "Cirque du Soleil' happened to be on one of them and he runs out to the kitchen to tell me that I'm missing an exciting gymnastics meet with three gymnasts on the "ropes"!! LOL I had to explain to him that although circus performers can do gymnastics, cirque du soleil is NOT a gymnastics meet :)

ahhahahaha.. my dad did that!! he would like run up to my room and be and be like "oh danielle there is gymnastics on tv!!!" and he would be so proud of himself... unitl i had to break the news that it wasn't gymnastics, it the circus..
At school when I talk about gymnastics all my friends are like, "I was in gymnastics when I was little, but now I can't even do a somersault, I'm afraid I'll snap my neck. Plus if I don't hurt my neck then I land on my back." I have tried to explain the concept of a roll, yet they never seem to understand.
My dad, bless his heart, was never big on gymnastics terms (but then again, how many dads really are?! Haha). I used to compete a tkatchev on bars... and my dad could never say it. Instead, he called it a "gooma-gotchi". Hahah... he did eventually learn to say tkatchev correctly, but coming from him, gooma-gotchi just sounded right. :p
My friend did a front-walkover for part of a dance for a project and someone said wowit's like the matrix!

After a demonstration I was walking around (wearing my leo with my warm-up pants on the bottom) because it was a fair and this lady said to me, "I like your blouse!" I just said thank you and then walked away with my friend laughing!!
^^That happened to me too. I was at old country buffet and an older lady told me she liked my 'sparkly velvet top' . I was 9 years old, coming from one of my first meets, but I was polite enough to just say thanks.
people always ask me if i can do a back flip, and i'm like "yeah, with a double twist!" and then they're like "omg thats so cool can you tech me how?!?!" lol they don't get how you have to train for years...
That’s too funny!! Years ago, my dd was competing in a city near where most of my husband’s family lives. They love her and EVERYONE came. Luckily it’s a huge meet in a coliseum because most of them were over 60 years old and unable to fight for a seat in risers. During vault, my husband’s 80 yo great-great uncle noticed a little girl with very short hair in my dd’s rotation. He became convinced that she was a boy! He’d lost most of his hearing so he already talked way too loud. He started yelling, “Hey Hey, that little boy’s shouldn’t be out there with those girls!! That ain’t fair!!â€￾. We all tried to “shushâ€￾ him so he tried to whisper. Needless to say, his loss of hearing had severely affected his whispering skills!!! I felt like crawling under my seat. I could still hear him 5 rows back. I was so afraid her parents were sitting near. Even after all these years, I can’t tell my dd if family is coming to a meet.
MY DD WAS ASKED BY a NEIGHBOR IF SHE could ENTER INTO A MEET "BECAUSE THE RUNNING DOWN THE MAT AND FLIPPING PART" LOOKED FUN........... boy she had no idea whats instore for the flippin part

a friend from school told her that she's going to wait till high school to try gymnastics because she would not be that afraid then......I hope that helps

I love this thread !!!!!!!!!!
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people at school are always like: "can you do a back flip"
i'm like: "yeah"
and then they say "can you do it now"
and we are in the middle of a class or like outside on pavement studying or something
and i'm like "um... no i'm not gonna do one now!"
and they're like: "well why not?"

oh and i'm on the cheerleading squad and i don't like to tumble on gym floors because i have knee and wrist problems so i only tumble when we get to competition. and this one girl on my team was like:
"well maybe next year we can get a real tumbler who can do like back flips and stuff"
[and this 'real tumbler' she was talking about can do a bhs... with a heavy spot and thats all]
i was about to punch her in the face!
oh yeah and whenever me and my dad go skiing and i say:
"whatcha gonna do today dad?'
he says: "a double side somi yurchenko"
my dad also gets shawn johnson and nastia liukin mixed up and still says "holy crap!" everytime shawn does her standing back full

he also believes Svetlana Boguuuinskaya is still competing
I think this is hysterical...

My dd does gymnastics does 15 hours a week-rarely misses gym-and gives up an insane amount of things to continue doing gym. I love it when I get the question "oh, so your daughter takes gymnastics?" I am like---I wish we just TOOK gymnastics, we LIVE it!


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