WAG Gabrielle Douglas

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May 26, 2012
Reaction score
I am really excited about seeing her in the running for the Olympic Team. She has so much stength and power on the floor it is amazing!

Sad to see that Shawn Johnson won't be in the running :( ... I commend her for stepping to the side to let someone else have a chance.
I love Gabi, I really hope she shines at the O's.

I really do not think Shawn is stepping aside to give anyone a chance, I think she is not ready to compete and knows that there are many girls on the national team who would get a place on the O team before her. She has had her time and knows it is time to move on.
I can't help but wonder if she'd have had a good shot if she had been able to get the knee completely back into shape. But I'm sure she will go on to great things in the future.
I am still thinking very hard about getting tickets to the Olympics Trails in San Jose. Is there a way to find out if and when Gabrielle Douglas will be performing?
Wasn't her knee injury from skiing?

I always got the vibe that she would be done once she did not win the Olympic AA in 2008.
Wow that's incredible, it was almost as clean as Mckayla's! Thanks dunno :)
for your viewing pleasure. today at podium training.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=srwLiHtm ... r_embedded

Okay, no one is talking about this and I don't know why. I literally freaked out when I saw that a couple days ago. This kid's got moves we don't even know about. Now that wasn't quite what came out tonight, but still, the potential is almost scary. If she manages to pull anything like that out in competition, that's really something. She could really do anything. The US has a lot of talent out there, and lots of solid gymnasts, but Gabby stands out as having this remarkable potential where each successive attempt could be anything amazing. It's so exciting to watch. Plus she has such a good attitude.
What's most amazing is the precision in the vault. From her hand placement on the round-off through to the landing she travels about 16 feet, and hits the landing with her feet on and next to the center line. That's quite a display of balance and power!!!
@gymdog...i KNOW...that's is why i started this post. I think Gabby is amazing! But she doesn't seem to be getting the recognition she should...but that's ok, just wait until San Jose and London!

Thanks for the link @dunno!
Gabby is a great gymnast but she was WAY overscored at nationals. She should not have come anywhere near within two tenths of Jordyn Wieber. I predict that she won't qualify for the AA in London.
well, you're young and not a Gabby fan. fact is her D scores are up there and she would've won had she not fallen at beam. and fact is, they were ALL over scored a bit. russia does it. china does it. romania does it. it's called 'positioning' for the Olympics.

and i predict that if Gabby hits, she ends up in the top 5.:)
Though I'm no coach or judge, Gabby Douglas provided us with some of my biggest "wow" moments at LAST YEAR'S nationals which we got to see in person. This year had to watch on TV, but I thought she was an even bigger wow. She is an amazing athlete! I also love Raisman's floor routine which some people criticize. Though I admit one of my all time favorite movie scenes is the pub scene in Fiddler on the Roof where the guys dance with the wine bottles on their heads. Kind of reminds me of that. And I love that it incorporates a dance theme rather than just poses, there is definitely a theme and personality in that routine. I love it. My daughter does too, and she's only 8 so I know it's not just that I am a geezer (well I kind of am).
Yeah! I just purchased my tickets to the San Jose Trails final day event!
I told U!!! Gabbrielle Douglas is the BEST. Congratulations to her and especially her mother and family for sacrificing so much to make a dream come true. As far as I know she is the first African-American AA gold medalist, or any AA medal. She is a true inspiration to all the little girls across America. Team Gabby!

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