I agree that that would be too much.
My DD was moved to a prep elite group at the start of year 1, the hours & distance from gym gym & the motorway we have to travel on (v busy) meant she would be late by around 1hr if we left school at normal time (x2 week days) I had a word with the head & she agreed my DD could leave 15 minutes early those days to get going before the traffic started...I hate doing it but apparently she's not missing anything because I did say I'd be willing to make up the work with her at home but they said that it's not necessary!
Come year 2 this September she's moved the next group up that starts 15 minutes earlier than her last one, yr 2 onwards finish at 3:45 (yr 1 was 3:25) so I'm not looking forward to telling them in September or her missing this much twice a week .. I know her school will be fine with her leaving that early but that's an hour a week missed!!!
My DD was moved to a prep elite group at the start of year 1, the hours & distance from gym gym & the motorway we have to travel on (v busy) meant she would be late by around 1hr if we left school at normal time (x2 week days) I had a word with the head & she agreed my DD could leave 15 minutes early those days to get going before the traffic started...I hate doing it but apparently she's not missing anything because I did say I'd be willing to make up the work with her at home but they said that it's not necessary!
Come year 2 this September she's moved the next group up that starts 15 minutes earlier than her last one, yr 2 onwards finish at 3:45 (yr 1 was 3:25) so I'm not looking forward to telling them in September or her missing this much twice a week .. I know her school will be fine with her leaving that early but that's an hour a week missed!!!