1. How many kids do you have? How old? What grade?
I have a daughter, Abigail who just turned 6. She is in developmental program at the local gym, has been in gymnastics since she was 2. She will be starting first grade next week! I also have twins Madelynn and Gavin who are 8 months old
2. How many years has your child(ren) been in gymnastics?
I started Abbey in a recreational program when she was not yet 3. After a few years of that we switched to a more traditional program the summer she turned 5. At the end of that summer her coach approached em and moved her up into the developmental program, which is their pre-team group.
3. What level is your gymnast(s)?
They just call her "developmental" at our gym...the next level is 4, and he coach said she is 'almost' there..so I guess shes a 3? The levels confuse me right now...
4. Do you work? How do you juggle your job/gymnastics if so?
I am a SAHM..before that I was a teacher, I taught special ed, then 2nd grade then preschool before having the chance to stay home with my kids. Since she IS my job there is not much juggling
5. What do you love about gymnastics/dislike about gymnastics?
I have loved the sport as a spectator since i was a little girl in the 70s, but I was not encouraged or allowed ot participate in sports...the one time I was in a short summer rec program for gymnastics I broke my leg...the fear of injury prevented my mother form letting us participate in much.
When I had a daughter of my own I started her in gymnastics as a way to burn off some toddler energy. She seemed to have a knack for it, so we have continued. I love that it will make her strong both physically and mentally, boost her self esteem and confidence and hopefully set her up for a lifetime of physical activity. The only thing I dont like is I know it is going to get expensive as we continue....and I hope that never makes it impossible for us to keep her in the gym
6. Tell us about YOU!
hee I kinda just did....lets see...I am also a polymer clay artist, I make beads and jewelry, I am a bit of a shutterbug, very chatty on and offline. I am pretty down to earth type of person...and what you see is what you get with me
happy to meet other gym parents!