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I'm a level 8 and my second half of my bar routine would be kip cast handstand(straddle up to handstand) giant giant flyaway(when I get it controlled enough to do a flyaway.) But my coach said that the judges don't like two giants in a row so I should do one giant then half twist my dismount so I can have the same amount of B's but not two giants? Why won't judges like two giants? Please answer this gymnasts coaches judges anyone!
I'm a level 7 and i had trouble with my giants last year(im repeting )but they do like to see 2 giants because im getting better scores this year than i did last so i found that using a strap bar or just keep practicing them

good luck and keep me posted
I don't think judges mind seeing 2 giants in a row. The only way, that I can think of, that it would be bad would be if you had major deductions (or even only 2 tenth deductions) on each one of the giants. I think taking out one giant and twisting the dismount would increase the "artistry" and originality in your routine. As a gymnast I often competed two giants, and I believe most gymnasts do (I don't believe there's any deduction for doing two of the same skill).
i used to do 2 giants, and took one out because of the jugdes. i think they want to see more creative skills. It must get boring watching the same rutines again and again.... also there's no deduction for repeated skills but judges seem to hate it.
My gymie does 2 giants to flyaway in her L7 routine and so far no judge has deducted for it. At the last meet some girls were doing 3 giants. Of course, some of the giants are not well done, so obvious deduction there. We have 1 girl on the team that doesn't have her flyaway from giants, so on high bar she does kip-cast-2 giants to kilter swing(?) then kip-cast flyaway. It does lower her SV to a 9.5

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