Parents Going Crazy

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Proud Parent
Jan 30, 2014
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So, just dropped DD off at IGC yesterday. Im missing her real bad. This is the first time shes ever been away from me (without being with family) for this long. She will be there all week, and gotta pick her up saturday morning. I got a call this morning from her counselor saying that she is doing real good, having lots of fun, making alot of new friends, and woke up very excited this morning! Im glad shes having fun, but its hard on me. I kind of want this week to go by fast for me so I can see her faster, but then on the other hand I want it to go slow for her so she has alot of time to have more fun. I cant wait to hear about everything she got to do. I am periodically checking the website for pictures, but not too many yet. I slept with her sweatshirt she wore yesterday morning. How many other parents have went or are going through this? Does it get easier?
It does get easier! Hang in there! Make sure that YOU find something fun to do that you can't easily do when DD is around. Watch r rated movies, get out your craft stuff or just get out and exercise. That way you are both having fun.

I am glad that she is having fun and not homesick!
Is she your oldest? I remember with my oldest I was always worried when he was away. Today my 3rd went to camp for the week and I hardly realize he is gone. My dh took him and I am honestly not worried in any way. I guess what I am saying is it gets easier with each one. The week will fly by and she will have a blast.
She is my only... I emailed her a bit ago, mainly to remind her that she has a canteen account and she can buy stuff. Im patiently waiting for a return email lol.
My DD is also at camp this week. Lots of tears last night and this am. Much better this aft, got her standing back tuck on the cheese mat and made a new friend. She comes home on Fri am. It has got much better for me now that she is happier and I have a younger DD at home.
Hope the week goes quickly for you and slowly for her!
With multiple kids I love it when one is away, the dynamics change so much and the household is usually much calmer!
DS goes to IGC for the first time this August. I fully expect him to forget that he even HAS a family during that week. I bet that, as much as his older siblings complain about their little brother at times, they'll start missing him by the middle of the week and will be really glad when he gets back home. They even missed him when he was gone for two and a half days for Future Stars camp!
I got a call this morning again from one of the counselors. Said that DD is having so much fun, she had a great day at gym and has so much fun doing the rec activities. She has a new bestie too. im so happy shes having so much fun!
You are lucky. My dd has gone to IGC the past two years and we didn't get any phone calls or return emails. It was definitely hard the first year! I was stalking the pictures and looking at the canteen account obsessively. Lol. Last year, not so much. It gets a lot easier and it is definitely much harder on the parents than it is on the kids!
I know, I keep stalking the pics as well, like every 10-20 min lol. I also check her canteen account, and she still hasnt bought anything lol. Im not sure if they just picked me out of a list to call and keep me updated on DD or what, but Im def not complaining! Im just glad the pics to buy are not that expensive. I thought they would be but I was wrong. So glad for that....I can afford to purchase her memories!
Is this something new that the couselors call and you get emails back? IGC never had that when my girls went.

With DD#1, I missed her a little the 1st year - it was her first time away for a whole week. But I knew she would be fine because she's that kind of kid (went to Girl Scout camp alone at 6 years old knowing not one single person). By the time DD2 went, I barely knew they were gone, LOL although brother did miss them.
im not sure if its something new, as this is her first time going.
How old do you think is a good age to go to these camps? My dd seems way too young and would be in tears! Just wondering what the average age is to start.
My kids went to flip fest last summer for the first time. It was their first camp, first time bring away from me for more than 2 nights and first time being away anywhere other than my mom's for more than 1 night. My twins had just turned 9 the week before going and my youngest had just turned 7 two months before. My girl twin did get home sick. I expect this year to be better for her though because 3 of her best friends are there. Last year her twin brother had his bff and all that she had was her little sister and I'm not sure if that was better or worse than having no one. ;-)

They were all very excited to go back this summer. I dropped them off Sunday, so today is the first day that they will be allowed to call. I hope to hear from at least one of them. Last year ds didn't call a single time.
I have a 13 year old going in a few weeks and I must say, I can't wait!!!! I'm sure I will feel the same however after the first day, but right now I really think he needs to get away for a week. :)

Sent 13 yr old DS to Woodward on the bus on Sunday, was so excited to see him go! LOL. His twin sister is missing him though, she is usually the one who travels and it is weird for him to be away!

How old do you think is a good age to go to these camps? My dd seems way too young and would be in tears! Just wondering what the average age is to start.

IGC used to have min age of 8 when my oldest started going, but now it's 7 I believe. DD1 went at 9.5 and DD2 at 8 (a week before 9th bday) and both had a blast, they loved being away. DD2's friend had a hard time adjusting and ended up leaving early. Every child is different.
I am surprised kids that young can handle sleeping away from home so long! My dd can barely make it one night! lol
My dd is 8. Im suprised she made it but she proved me wrong lol. When i picked her up from camp, there was no running and hugging like i expected, just a "hi mom" lol. Suprised the crap outta me lol.

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