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Moved to PRE-TEAM!!! YEAH!! I was surprised they would move her so soon! I guess her sisters taught her well. LOL. She is 4 years old and has all 3 splits down, has a pretty accurate handstand bridge kick-over, a roundoff, learning her BWO, on bars she has her pullover back hip circle, and learning a front circle. Beam, she is learning her handstand and a turn. Vault, she can flap to her back on a big mat. She can also do 1 press handstand.
Holy cow - that is awesome - good for her. Of course I totally don't envy what your gym bill is going to be every month when all 3 are competing :eek:
Holy cow - that is awesome - good for her. Of course I totally don't envy what your gym bill is going to be every month when all 3 are competing :eek:

LOL! If I were you, I don't think I would envy myself either:indifferent::eek:
WOW! Fantastic! Your 4 year old is going to pass your twins soon!!

I think you should just have direct transfer from your bank account to your gym's account! LOL
WOW! Fantastic! Your 4 year old is going to pass your twins soon!!

I think you should just have direct transfer from your bank account to your gym's account! LOL

Your right, It also already goes to my son's little league an soccer games. What's another sport? LOL. Hannah already has plans to become an olympian by her 5th b-day. "Mommy, is 4 too young to go to the 'lympics?"
"Yes Hannah"
"Oh ok....I guess I hafta wait till I'm 5.":p

She already starting practicing her wave. She will start randomly waving in the middle of her class and her coaches will ask her who she's waving too and her reply is always the same..."My fans!"
Wow to Hannah! Congratulations to her! I don't envy your gym bill either. I can barely afford one. LOL. I told Mimi she has to do something cheap. :D

The wave story is so adorable. I am cracking up just imagining it. :)
:laughing::laughing::laughing::rotfl::rotfl: That is just too funny her practicing her wave like that. On a serious note though - it sounds like she is a natural "performer" which will definitely be a huge asset to her when the time to compete comes. You can always see the difference in the girls who do their floor routines and those who actually perform them.
:laughing::laughing::laughing::rotfl::rotfl: That is just too funny her practicing her wave like that. On a serious note though - it sounds like she is a natural "performer" which will definitely be a huge asset to her when the time to compete comes. You can always see the difference in the girls who do their floor routines and those who actually perform them.

She always loved the attention and people watching her. She did dance before gymnastics, but didn't like how there was just one big recital at the end. She likes how thee is meets and competitions in gymnastics. Her sisters always make up little routines for her and performs them for the whole family. If she didn't do gym, I think would put her into a theater group. She really does have the most personality of the family LOL.
Wow...that is FABULOUS...she is way past my 7 yr old level 2 gymnast!;)

How fun for all three of your girls! Soon the lil' one will be on the team, too! Start saving now!!

Waving to her fans! How cute is that!?!?!:D

And a son in soccer??? Wow, you are one busy mommy! I sure pray that you get great Mother's Days (rather every day).

Are there any other children?

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