Parents Gym Change Update

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Proud Parent
Jan 8, 2009
Reaction score
Well it's been about 8 weeks since the gym switch....she trained 7 weeks with the 6's (competed level 5 last year) and was moved to optional training group this week. She loves for the challenge of scoring out of six and learning the optional skills!!!

Should be a wild year!!

Any tips for surviving greatly appreciated!

I had to sign back on to say WAY TO GO!! That is awesome!! I can't wait to see her routines!
WTG to your DD. So glad things are going well at the new gym. No advice from me, as my DD hasnt made it to that level yet. But Im sure she will do wonderful. Please keep us posted on how she does.
Congrats to Sophia! Can't say that I am surprised since I think she is a talented little gymnast. Glad to hear that she is thriving at her new gym and I also look forward to seeing her optional routines.
Gym Change

Exciting. I have to agree with lilgymmie7, I can't wait to see her routines. Congratulations to Sophia. ;)
YAY Sophia! Yay for positive new coaches! Please post her new routines, with happy coaching and her fabulous form she will rock this year.
I will post her routines when she gets them....she's nervous and excited!! I can't wait to see them either.
After watching her level 5 videos, I can't imagine she'll have any trouble scoring out of 6. Can't wait to see new videos. I'm glad the gym change is working out so well for you!
I am sure level 6 score out will be a breeze for her!!! I am so glad your gym change has worked out so well for you!! Can't wait to see her routines for L7.
glad everything is going well. Sophia is a lovely gymnast and I am sure she will do very well in Level 6/7 next season. Good luck and can't wait to see her new routines.

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