gymnast -over 45 yr. old

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I am a gymnast age 48, a mother and a grandmother. I competed at an adult gymnastics meet in L.A. and a local meet (I was the only adult). It's a blast! Anyone know how I can find other adult gymnastics competitions? I'd love to share experiences with anyone!
Welcome here of course. Good on you for still doing gymnastics. I can't help you with finding competitions, I am not in the USA, but just wanted to say, keep going lady. What kind of things do you do?
There were adult classes at my gym, but we are rec. There were a couple women who were in the class and they came to Open Gym and my friend and I ended up hanging out at Open Gym with them. I thinks it's cool how you are still in classes!! I want to be in gymnastics forever!!
WOW! Good for you! I am only 41 and can't even say the word *cartwheel* without my back hurting. While I don't know of any adult programs, I often wished our gym would have something for us moms to do since we were there 3 times a week anyway. For me though it would have to be something mild like Pilates for beginners, LOL

Hope you find something, if not, maybe you could start up something on your own!
Deborah, welcome to the CB... I am only a proud parent, not a gymnast - but still wanted to say welcome & I think its awesome you are still loving gymnastics. wish I could help with the competition ?, but I am not sure. What level would you be considered? One of the instructors in my dd's old rec gym recently competed a tumbling & trampoline meet... he used to tumble for the Jessie White Tumblers & just made a call - next thing ya know he was competing - he is 40. Anyway, if you have a myspace, I ran into this site from another board

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- nic
Haha, you must be as strechty like madonna wow.
And congratz for keep doing gym at that age!
Probably a level 6 or so. I have done optionals. My back is not as flexible as it once was. Practices have been going well. I have heard there are meets sometimes in Tennesee, and in Florida for adults. If anyone knows more, please share!!!
You won't find it easy to locate many adult gymnastics competitions. Although I believe there are a few run by the AAU if you want to have a look pn their website. The problem is there are just not enough adults out there competing to have the numbers to run these things. I believe this is changing dramatically aswell though and I wouldn;t be surprised if in a few years time there were a lot more.

I you want to compete you will probably have to enter the competitions with the kids. Most have age divisions so you would be entered in divisions like 14 years and up or 15 years and up. Remember when they say and up that is unlimited. You could be 99 and still compete.
Wow thats really awesome! I only hope i'm still that active when I'm your age! is the adult gymnastics in tn & fl. i just signed up today, but i still need to find out if there is any support for it in mi. i also found that woodward east is allowing adults into their 12th session for a one week camp!
WOW!!!! That's awesome!!!! I would love to go!!! Maybe I can dust off my old leotard!!! What do you think the girls would say about a leo with a ZIPPER better yet... a collar!!! lol! Please post a video or pics!!
Northern Virginia Gymnastics Academy holds "Old Timer Meets", but I think that's kind of far for you. I'm 26, and found out I can compete for USA Gymnastics, so I'm thinking about it. Hope you are doing well, and if you are ever in VA let me know!
WOW! Good for you! I am only 41 and can't even say the word *cartwheel* without my back hurting. While I don't know of any adult programs, I often wished our gym would have something for us moms to do since we were there 3 times a week anyway. For me though it would have to be something mild like Pilates for beginners, LOL

Hope you find something, if not, maybe you could start up something on your own!

Totally with you on that one!!
Ok, I don't feel quite so old now...though I never really qualified as a "gymnast", more of "someone who they just let come in and play around a bit". You are inspiration.
To Metgrrl... My DD goes to Loudoun Gymnastics.... we've got a bunch of people from NVGA... small world, isn't it?

And I think it's great that more and more "older" people are getting involved in gymnastics. Our gym holds an adult only class once a week.... at least they did before the summer started!


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