lol i find it hilarious how you all throw football under the bus. The team mentality is greater then individualism will ever be. A team with no team concept and unity is ALWAYS the team that loses most of their games, its only when your best friend has your back that you succeed, something that doesn't happen in gymnastics. You all consider football so easy but imagine being a starter for a team. 16-20 year gymnast go pro. Never do you see that age range go pro in football, because it takes much more years of work. Its one thing to be on a football team, another to be a starter. Knowing the plays, anticapting others actions, getting to places fast enough, the great shape have to be in, and the physical tole it takes on your body are much more greater. Try being a starter for a 3-aa or higher school divison. its difficult. Not to mention youll make the greatest friends in your life.
But thats exactly why i think gymnastics is a little harder
its only when u have YOUR OWN back that u succeed, you cant depend on anybody else, its all on you
And the age ranges are different because
1. You dont see football players starting when they are toddlers. Gymnasts start from toddler age and spend their entire childhood in gymnastics. Football players start usually in middle and high school, after most gymnasts have been in gym for 6-8 years already!
2. In gymnastics (womens at least), its easier to be small, pre pubescent, and short. Which is why females in gymnastics are usually a lot smaller, and pre-pubescent (not all of them, but a few). Now if u get a small, pre pubescent short football player, he will not go very far (usually), which is another reason why football players are older. I dont think its because of preperation and hard work that u dont see 16-20 year olds dont go pro in football, its because they physically couldnt, and havnt started early with it.
Also, I disagree about the "great shape" you have to be in...linemen?? ummm ive seen quite a few of them that dont seem to be in the best shape.
Gymnasts have to be in GREAT shape. Same about the injuries. In gymnastics injuries vary greatly from sprains to dislocations to shattering bones. And they start as young as the gymnast starts gym. U see the most injuries in football in college and pro, not in highschool or junior high, so for the first say 6-7 years of a football players "career", the chances of them becoming seriously injured are much lower than the first 6-7 years of a gymnast's career.
Gymnastics has the mental strain of most professional sports, but its on children much younger than in other professional sports. Gymnasts are taught to be perfect, and thats a hard thing for an 8 year old to swallow. Self esteem sometimes becomes more of an issue at an earlier age.
But all of that aside, I still love football and Im not denying that its an INCREDIBLY dificult sport. You have to be able to act on the spot and adapt to the situation, and you need to be in tune with ur teamates. I would NEVER want to become a football player (partly because im a girl), but i would hate being slammed to the ground several times a day. But i still think gymnastics is harder.