Parents Hair removal for young gymnast?

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Proud Parent
Sep 14, 2017
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Hi everyone, hope someone can give me advice? My 10.5 dd has some under arm hair she wants removed. What would be the best way? I read waxing will almost eliminate hair over time esp if started young but worry it will hurt her alot. Advice would be much appreciated. Thanks
mine used nair on her legs when hair starting coming in too thick but for underarms, she always used a razor. That skin is so sensitive, I was afraid to use it there. She only needed to shave maybe once a week for a couple of years as the hair there grows so slowly at that age.
When my DD first started shaving, she went with an inexpensive electric razor. Wasn't a super close shave, but she could do it herself without worrying about nicking herself.

Target and Walmart each carry some for under $10 even. Which was nice cause my DD dropped her first one almost immediately and it broke. :p:oops:
Thanks everyone, thought we'd have a while before we needed to worry about things like this esp with nearly 20hrs of gym per week thought that might slow things but if memory serves me right I think I had some underarm hair at 9.5 buds at 10.5 but didn't get my period until 15. Strange the way the body works sometimes.
regarding the nair- I will never forget my grandmother telling me to NEVER use it on my underarms. Apparently she did when it first came out and she developed severe swelling that lasted several days. On the bright? side she said she never did grow hair under her arms again.
when the hair is that new and fine - waxing REALLY doesn't hurt.
I started waxing at a young age, and then did laser hair removal when I could afford it. Now I only have maybe 10 hairs under each arm, which I will run a razor over once a week- if even.

If you're THAT worried about pain, have her take 1/2 dose of advil 30 min before her appointment - But i assure you, she wont need it. I usually suggest that to fully developed adults that have shaved for 10 years going to their first-ever bikini wax. LOL:p;)

Edited to add: That goes for all body hair I wanted to remove as a young adult - I know leos are not always very forgiving. If you start waxing early enough - she will never have a reason to look at a razor. The hair stays soft, and fine , and it some cases grows back less and less each time. Just make sure to regularly exfoliate the areas.
Would she be too young to get it waxed in a salon?
Would she be too young to get it waxed in a salon?

In my experience - parental consent is all that is needed, if that. (If she is old enough to grow hair, shes old enough to have it removed....)
I am VERY particular about hygiene & cleanliness at Salons, and have definitely found better luck at more spa-like places. Think: Hotel Spa v.s. Tiny Nail Salon in the corner of a shopping plaza. I have also found registered esthetician's who work out of their home-business to be very good.
But there is no harm in going to a few places to check them out. Finding a good esthetician might take a few appointments with different techs before finding one that fits. Good luck!
When I was 15, I started waxing , and then did laser hair removal when I was 23. Now I barely have hair at all. I got 6-session package.
Last edited by a moderator: what about when your tween has black hairs under her lip? Mine doesnt...yet. but she does have a couple on one corner, and i know she will notice this soomer or later. Ideas?
For just a few I would tweeze them and teach her to do it or take her to get it waxed.

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