Parents hanging in there

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Jan 9, 2008
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Well it has been alittle over a month since daughter went through the drama of possibly wanting to quit. I am happy to say that she is back to being her old self and loving gymnastics again. We were back at the doctor for heelpain she got a heel cup and she told me she is not going to let it stop her. She has also gotten friendly with a lot of the new girls on her team although she still misses her friends who have left. Sometimes I think you just have to encourage them to hang in their when things get tough and it all seems to work out. I know there are many girls who leave the sport and find other passions but I have seen a lot of them leave and basically do nothing ecspecailly when they are teenagers. I am glad that I did encourage my daughter to at least stick with it for the time being, she seems happier now and her grades in school have improved. She is looking forward to her 1st meet which is about a month away.
I think you did the right thing. DD wanted to quit about a month into the new gym. I encouraged her to keep going. We talked with her coach and her coach committed to training her to have a successful season and if she still wanted to quit after the season she would wish her well and no one would be mad at her.

DD committed to working hard and finishing the season before making any long term decisions regarding gymnastics.

I started her in dance this year so that if she moved on from gym it would be an easier transition (long background info which would be a whole other thread). She just LOVES dance and thinks its a LOT easier than gymnastics! :D

Since she and Coach had their talk she is a lot happier going to the gym. She is settling in at the new gym with its new culture and new rules. We will see how she feels in April. Then, if she's done, she's done.
Oh, I'm glad to hear it. You must be proud of her that she's worked through her issues and is heading into things with a positive attitude again! Good luck to her on that first meet!:)
I totally agree that you should encourage them so that they give it enough time to see if they really want to quit. My oldest process took over four months, at the end she was done. SHe also has moved onto other new things and is very happy.

GLad things are working out well for her.
That's great news! Very happy to hear it worked out and she has found renewed enthusiasm for gym.
Thanks for all the encouragement. I am just taking it one day at a time knowing realistically that this might be her last year. I just hope that she can find other passions like your daughter Bog if she decides to leave. Right now I think she is losing interest in volleyball. I think dance is a great option but she does not want to do it any more which I am a little distressed about but last year she said she wanted to quit. Ashame since she was a great dancer and she lead her class in all the dances at the recital! Hopefully she will survive level6 this year somehow she got the idea that it is a really tough level which I am sure it is .
My son never found a passion in any sport or in music. He is a gamer, show him the latest PS3 game and his eyes light up! He is now at college studying hard and hoping for a career in the gmaing industry, very big in our Provonce. Passions come from the strangest of places.

They will be what they will be, you can try to nudge them along, or you can force them, but in the end they will only do well, what they really want to do.

GIve her some time, she is young and she is reaching an age where they go through many changes emotionally and physically. You are a caring mom and that is really what counts.
can relate there bog
Out of my 4,
1st child - music and gym and running, and now just gym
2nd child - participated and enjoyed swimming and a bit of running for a while, although not 'sporty' type. Now very much into her art, film club (where they make films etc), sewing - anything crafty, and cooking!As well as helping twice a week with young 5-7 years church group.
3rd child - music, swimming (team), skating, running - now just skating and gaming!
4th child - gym, skating (hockey,speedskating and skatepark),and now just skating for fun, guitar, and gaming!

They change..

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