Parents Happy progress report

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Proud Parent
Nov 11, 2011
Reaction score
You may remember that a few weeks back my DD was having a tough time with stage fright before her last meet. She ended up having a great meet and has been progressing nicely. Last night I was discussing the summer schedule with her coach and she informed me that she thought DD was ready to move to the LVL 4 team come June. We agreed that we would keep in touch regarding the fear and would not make a move if she is going to have stress about competing outside the gym next fall.

When I went to pick her up she was anxious to show me her much improved stride circle (straight legs, yeah!) and her coaches informed me that she had made a kip and several ROBHS for them! They told me to mark my calendar for an upcoming fun meet they were bringing a few of the development girls to compete in. They had discussed the meet with her and she told them that she wanted to participate and she felt she would be ok once she had done a few more meets.

Unfortunately the meet is the same weekend as her Girl Scout Camp and she will not be competing. I guess I am just glad she is progressing and seems to be turning the corner on the fear issue.
Everything really seems to be coming together for her. I think she'll have a great time as a L4.
A fun meet would have been great, too bad she can't do it. Our gym tries to have the kids treat the meet as they are just doing there routines in the gym. Easier said than done! Sounds like things are really coming together for her.
Sounds like she is moving forward and will enjoy the team track. With that said as more comps come up being on team means sacrafice so there will be many other weekend events that she will mostlikely miss for comps.

Usually as a team person you don't make any plans until the comp schedule comes out then you add in the "extra" fun things. Scouts is a great balance to gymnastics as you don't have to be at everything, you can earn advancements and achievements at home, and you just have to do YOUR best not be THE best. Once you have a few years of team under your belt you and DD will be able to balance gymnastics with other things. Team gymnastics is definitly a life style that will effect the whole family.
Yes, we do realize what we are in for! This meet was a last minute addition. Typically the development teams do not compete outside of the club and for wahtever reason they decided to add this last meet for a few of the girls. Luckily for the near furture both girls will be competing in the same meets and the comp season runs the same time as my husbands busy season at work so we have no social life from Jan-Apr.
Hope she enjoys level 4! Great update. And did you check with her and make sure she wants to do the Girl Scouts rather than the meet? If it's her decision, then at least she will complain less about missing it :-)
Lets just say she has.not yet made up her mind. It changes everyday. Today we are going to the meet. Tomorrow, who knows.<br>
We have a few more weeks before.we have to commit to either. I kinds hope she chooses the meet. She had the 'feats of strength meet' last weekend and earned the top.score im.her traimimg group. I would love to keep the momentum up with more positive meets!
Good morning...tomorrow is the first routine meet since the stage fright. DD seems pretty matter of fact about it! She is doing Lvov 4 floor so her expectations are reasonable. She is still a bit sloppy on the ROBHS so she is not expecting top scores....

DD2 is going for all Lvl 3 aznd hoping to avoid falls on beam and being all pointy!

Family goal is no crying before during or after the meet!
Good luck to them both!! No crying before, during or after the meet is a good goal. :-)
Ahhh happy tears will be okay. BUT that's not really crying is it?

Good Luck to both of them!!
Best Meet So Far!

Well, mission accomplished....No tears before, during or after the meet.

DD1 looked more relaxed and seemed to be having fun at the meet scoring 3 reds and a blue. DD2 hammed her way thru 3 blues and a red.

Seeing DD1 chit-chatting with teammates and looking calm and not scared, best part of the meet.
Congratulation to your DD's. especially your older DD! Glad that she was able to face her fears and enjoy the competition. What a victory for her.
So happy to get a positive update!! This may be the beginning of a great adventure. Hold on it will be a carzy ride.

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