Hard work paying off!

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Proud Parent
May 18, 2011
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I was astounded to see my dd do her first unspotted jump to high bar last night, which immediately connected into her first high bar kip (which also happened to be her first totally straight-armed kip)! The coach was so excited; it was fun to see. The last time I saw bar practice was before Christmas and she was so afraid to jump to the high bar, you could see her hiding behind other kids in line and totally avoiding that station. It's kind of cool to only see practice once in a while, because then it's a surprise to see how far she's come.

But this fear thing has been eating away at her, so it's nice to see her trying and trying and trying yet again - and then seeing it pay off. This whole gymnastics thing has just been so good for her; wonderful life skills being learned while getting a really good workout!
This is great! As the parent of one who has to work very hard to move forward, I know how sweet it is when it comes together for that child! After persevering to get these skills, she'll be ready to tackle almost anything hard and frustrating that life throws her way.
that is wonderful. so happy she was able to overcone her fear. what a great life lesson as well, if you put your mind to it you can overcome anything.
Congratulations, my dd caught the high bar again for the first time in over 6 months since she developed a fear last thursday - its such a releif isn't it !:)
Congrats to your daughter! What a big jump forward, getting past her fear. :)

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