MAG Have trouble filping backwards

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Men's Artistic Gymnastics
Do you mean flipping in a back tuck, or just any flipping?

If you have a fear of going backwards in general, try this:
Stack some mats on top of each other so they are about as tall as your waist. Standing a couple of inches away from the mats, put your arms up by your ears and just fall backwards in a hollow position. Next, keeping the mats at the same height, stand at the same distance and jump back on the mats. Then take away one mat and do the same thing: fall back and jump back. Once there is only one mat on the ground, just fall onto it. (You could hurt your back if your jump onto only one mat). PLEASE use something like an 8-incher, NOT a sting mat. You need to make sure they are soft enough to land on. After you do this, your body shouldn’t be afraid of going backwards, and you can move on to back handsprings or back flips.

If you have a fear of back flips, here are some tips:
1). First, fall backwards into your gym’s foam pit with a straight, hollow position. This teaches you to trust that the pit won’t hurt you.
2). Then fall back into the foam pit in a tuck position to model the position you’ll be in for a back tuck. If this is simple enough, try jumping into the pit in a tuck and landing on your back.
3). Next, stack up some mats to stand on that are about a foot tall. Place them near the edge of the foam pit. This is where you will just have to go for it . Try your back tuck, making sure to keep your head in and stay in a tight, clean, tuck. Straighten out for a “landing” as you land in the foam pit to get used to opening up at the end.
4). After you have mastered step 3, take away the mats so you are standing on the floor when you are flipping into the pit. Because you are at a different height, push harder through your legs and make sure you have a good set. Do your backflip from this height until you’re comfortable.
5). Now, show a coach or parent what you have done. Ask them to watch you and make sure you are tight and your form is correct. Then ask them to spot for step 6 if you want to...
6). The next step is taking your flip to the trampoline. Stand on it and do your back tuck the same way you have done it into the foam pit. You may want a mat behind you on the first one in case you land wrong. You could also ask a coach or a parent to spot you on this.
7). Once you can do it on your own on the trampoline, it is time to try it in the floor. First, put an eight-incher or a similar soft mat behind you when you attempt it. Feel free to use a spot the first time if you need one.
8). Now replace the thick mat with a thin, sting mat. Try your back tuck on this. It is basically like doing it on the floor, but it provides an extra bit of cushion if you fall. You can use a spot the first try if you are uncomfortable.
9). Finally, take away the sting mat. Now, it’s time to do it on the floor WITHOUT any mats. If you have been successful throughout every step, this should be easy. Make sure your form is tight, and just go for it!

I hope these suggestions helped with falling backwards and/or your back tuck. Good luck!

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