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Hello All! I am Jeff, and my 4 year old daughter is Joscelyn. She is the reason I am here! She has impressed everyone who has ever talked to her or seen her do gymnastics. She is very small for her age but definitely makes up for size with strength, talent, and love of gymnastics! I'm sure her size has alot to do with her ability too. So since I have usually only watched gymnastics about every four years I don't know much about the sport. Now that I have a gymnast of my own I want to learn all I can.
Hi Jeff and welcome to the Chalkbucket. We have lots of gym parents here and many Dad's too. If you join the parents groups, through your user cp on the left, you can post in more forums and ask all thise important questions. Though after 10 years with children in the sport I am still learning as things change so often!
Welcome to the chalk bucket. I also have a four year old daughter who will be competing level 3 this summer. She loves it. We all learn as we go as Bogwoppit said. Enjoy the ride!
Just another official welcome!! As you know I have a 6 year old training L5 and for Tops. I have seen Jocelyns pictures and videos and she is as cute as a button. See you at the parents forum....:)

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