We are a family of 7. DH has 2 teens from previous marriage. We have 3 littles ones together (DS8, DD4, DD2). DD4 started gymnastics last year at 3. She has quickly progressed to working in the 6-7 year old class. We are at a satellite location of a USAG gym. The coaches are very excited about DD4 and they love to work with her and teach her new skills as she learns them very quickly. They also tell me that she has exceptional strength and focus. They would like her to go onto the pre team at their main location. But I am reluctant. Here are the issues: the main location is far. If she is going to actually be on a team, it's got to be closer to us. Which means that we would have to switch gyms. I'm ok with that, DOWN THE ROAD. All of this is completely new and confusing to me (and DH) as neither one of us have any experience with gymnastics. (Though DH's son has exceptional talent in another sport and has placed nationally, he didn't start in that particular sport until he was much older.) Four years old seems VERY young to me to even think about being on a team. But the coaches are very excited about her talent and drive and want to see her move ahead. I'd like to just keep her at this gym for at least another year or 2 and THEN start thinking about moving to another gym or being on a team. What do you experienced parents think? Would there be any "harm" to waiting another 1-2 years before putting her on a team (if she is still capable and interested)?