Parents High Performance Camp/ college camp-level 9/10

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Start to plan summer camps . Does anyone have any comments for the legend camp and best darn college camp? I see some 2023 college camps coming out.
My daughter has been to the Best Darn College camp twice and has really enjoyed it. It is very well ran. Legends has only been around a short time, but know some that have done it and they liked it.
Any updates? Heard good things about the Best Darn College Camp. Our gym recommends makkeitright camp . We still are not sure which one to go. My dd is level 9, freshman, wants to do college gymnastics .
Any advices? Any Pros and Cons for a college track gymnast? Her teammates go to makeitright camp this year
Mine went to BDCC last year and had a fine time, but I am not sure why people rave about it so much. There are A LOT of kids there. It seems like it would be hard to get noticed, if recruiting is your goal. They make a lot of promises about promoting the kids but weirdly they posted a handful of girls constantly and nothing or very little for everyone else. It was kind of annoying because it was time consuming to get them the videos and such that they asked for and they barely did anything with them, at least on social media. Meanwhile, it seemed like every day they were posting again about these couple of girls, perhaps from their home gym? I think in an ideal world going to the actual college camps of your gymnast's target schools is a better strategy, but of course it's hard because there's only so much time. I imagine there are some gymnasts for whom BDCC is a great avenue, but my guess is that for most it's not *that* worthwhile.
Our gym has a pretty strict policy of no summer or college camps unless invited. The reasons shared are they potentially teach skills that are inconsistent with the current daily coaching they get, athletes could have a potential injury due to unfamiliar equipment, spotting technique etc. and they offer little to no benefit to the gymnast from a recruiting standpoint relative to the time and cost which could have been spent in the home gym bettering themselves for improved performance during season. Having participated in several college camps and camps similar to BDCC before coming to this gym, I tend to agree with this policy. These camps generally have literally hundreds of gymnasts attending, rotating through various stations with limited time. Very difficult to see any quality coaching done. That's not to say that they cant be fun and offer some nuggets of wisdom to attendees or even a remote chance of "getting noticed", its just to say go to these things with the right expectations. My only exception to this policy is I do think if one is a freshman/sophomore gymnast that has some college interest and is genuinely a recruitable athlete for that college, its a benefit to go if only to just see the campus and program (Although our gym says that what official visits are for).
Mine went to BDCC last year and had a fine time, but I am not sure why people rave about it so much. There are A LOT of kids there. It seems like it would be hard to get noticed, if recruiting is your goal. They make a lot of promises about promoting the kids but weirdly they posted a handful of girls constantly and nothing or very little for everyone else. It was kind of annoying because it was time consuming to get them the videos and such that they asked for and they barely did anything with them, at least on social media. Meanwhile, it seemed like every day they were posting again about these couple of girls, perhaps from their home gym? I think in an ideal world going to the actual college camps of your gymnast's target schools is a better strategy, but of course it's hard because there's only so much time. I imagine there are some gymnasts for whom BDCC is a great avenue, but my guess is that for most it's not *that* worthwhile.
There were only 60 in each session. That is all they allow. That doesn't seem like too many. That is the camp my daughter went to that really got her excited about college gymnastics. She was able to work with top college coaches and get a feel for what they were like and their personality. Big Deal for mine, as she did meet a few that she wasn't crazy about. That is how she was able to get a lot of them to follow her instagram account too. She then emailed them along with videos and thanks you's after camp in order to start a relationship with them. I do see a great value in all of that for sure. I do agree with you about the video thing though, as well as it is a great promotion to their gym although a lot of their girls are great and will be looked at anyways.

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