First off ask your coach.... For the bail, If you have a big arch tap you may want to lessen the arch portion of the tap or scoop enabling you to attain your shape a fraction earlier, making it more consistent.
Like he says, getting into the scoop earlier is a good area to explore with your impatient coach. Here are few thoughts on the little things you can check out with your coach...... offered under the premise that your coach doesn't know what you don't know, and that you don't know what you don't know. Consider this a partial list of hints to get the two of you pointed in the right direction.......
**A slightly deeper scoop with a little less swing. Deeper scoop helps you miss and the slightly slower swing gives you a teensy bit more time to get into the deeper scoop.
**Use your chest and upper core muscles to help transition to the upside down motion. The feeling is similar to hanging inverted on the rings and lowering into a front lever position with you chest and chin tucked in. Try to move slowly and as far as you can to get the feel for the musles, then look for that same sensation as a follow through of your tap.
** Curl your wrists as you move from the tapswing. It should shorten you by in inch.
**Eliminate as many variables as possible.... arches, bent legs, loose downswings, less than 100% effort attempts. In other words keep it all consistent. Here's an example .... a bent leg can bend to many different degrees and mess up the timing and balance of an attempt in multiple degrees. Ten different leg shapes means 10 different reactions you need to learn.... a straight leg will treat you the same way every time and require only one reaction.
Coachp..... I'm not the best bar coach (by far) and offered some of this from direct experience and slightly from intuition. Please correct anything your experience tells you needs correcting.
Gymnastflip and all others...... This is a hint list that is to be explored with the coaches awareness and participation. Just tell the coach you're trying to find something that fits in your mind that will put the coaches corrections to good use. So hey coach how does this look....OR.... do you think it would help me do what you're saying if I tried more of this or that.
Do not try this on your own so you can just show it to the coach when you figure it out and can do it. It hardly ever works that way.