Homemade chalk

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Sep 23, 2010
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Could you make chalk at home? im trying to find a recipe to make chalk at home but can't find one do any of you know how or is it not possible? thanks
Yea, if you scroll down a little bit it says the procedure, i'm just letting you know that they aren't chemicals you find in your kitchen
actually, the real product is mined and manufactured. you could never make at home the quantity or quality that you need and use.:)
I agree with dunno, For me it was simply a question of how do you make chalk as it is obviously possible.
It may be cheaper, easier and safer to just ask your gym if you can buy a block from them. I am guessing you want to use it at home? I am also guessing it is for simple tricks and conditioning as no one on CB would advocate doing crazy things at home.
We did something like this in science class in 6th grade! There was mixing of various chemicals and straining it through stuff and letting it dry. Then the teacher brought it around to everyone and let them touch and feel it to try and figure out what the white powder was. I'm proud to say that I, being the newly instated level 4 teammember that I was, knew right away and was the only one in class to recognize it as chalk :)
I'm sure its possible, but I wouldn't recommend it. Chalk is so special the way its manufactured, any small change could mean BIG differences in bars. But if you were just using it for conditioning at home, I'm sure it'd be easier (but less fun) to buy some or borrow some from your gym.
Yeah thanks for all the info me and my friends were just going to make it for fun but dont think we will anymore:)

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