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Ok, it's been 7 months in paradise, & I am finally homesick! I miss our friends & our old neighborhood! We've met ONE family here (coincidentally, a gym family--you can always count on SOMEONE from gym to care!).

DD's old gym-mates from CA, whom she was scoring right alongside w/, are all doing GREAT (all new L6's, just like her, and scoring way better there than she is here)! Remind me why I don't care about that! :muted:

We may be able to move back this Summer, if all goes well (we didn't sell our house, thank goodness). I can hang in there until then, but I still miss all my old buds....I have no lunch/coffee buddies or Mom's-night-out buddies! It just sort of wierdly hit me the other day. I had to whine, sorry.....

Waaaahhh.....:gloomy: :bawling:
Aww, I didn't know parents got homesick too!

I have a few friends who have moved away, a lot of them to places down south. A few of the families have come back. One of my friend's dads told me that "the grass is greener on the other side", and they couldn't wait to get out of New York until they realized Atlanta wasn't quite as green as they thought. They didn't appreciate all New York had to offer until they were away from it. They had a much bigger house and could afford nicer cars and things down in Atlanta, but they missed being able to go to Broadway shows, go to the beach whenever they felt like it, and get a good slice of pizza whenever they wanted. Not to mention that it is hard to make a whole new set of friends when you have gotten your old ones over so many years.
I totally empathise. In my youth I had the travel bug big time, couldn't get away from home fast enough and was wandering the globe between 18 & 22. After a four year stint of working real jobs, at 26 I decided to move to Canada for a year, I never went back! Now 3 kids and two marriages later I am Canadian, but sometimes I just miss stuff, family, friends and all of the stuff that goes with it.

Days pass when all I want is a bowl of real Heinz tomato soup, not this nasty tasting North American crap, I want a real Cadbury's chocolate bar and a pint of Harp at my local pub.

Missed friends weddings, births of children, missed helping when my parents were too sick to manage and they miss seeing their only grandchildren.

I am thrilled that you can maybe move back in summer, it is tough to feel alone and isolated. 17 years after moving here it really is homw, but I just don't have the roots and the history, sometimes I feel like I don't belong anywhere, and lets not even get into the whole French thing. Every day is a language trial!

But I really do feel for ya. Here's a big hug. ((((((((( hug )))))))))
Ok, it's been 7 months in paradise, & I am finally homesick! I miss our friends & our old neighborhood! We've met ONE family here (coincidentally, a gym family--you can always count on SOMEONE from gym to care!).

DD's old gym-mates from CA, whom she was scoring right alongside w/, are all doing GREAT (all new L6's, just like her, and scoring way better there than she is here)! Remind me why I don't care about that! :muted:

We may be able to move back this Summer, if all goes well (we didn't sell our house, thank goodness). I can hang in there until then, but I still miss all my old buds....I have no lunch/coffee buddies or Mom's-night-out buddies! It just sort of wierdly hit me the other day. I had to whine, sorry.....

Waaaahhh.....:gloomy: :bawling:

I'm sorry to hear that you are missing California.:( I sometimes wish that I could leave the area for some place new, but I don't think I could live without my network of friends that I have built up over the years. Did you grow up in the area that you moved from?

Are your DD's old gym-mates still at your old gym or at the new one that split from the old one? Did that make sense?:confused: We will be competing at the same meet as those gyms in a few weeks, but not in the same session. Are the judges in FL tougher than in NorCal? They have been extra tough at the meets we have gone to this year so far. I am sending good wishes to your DD at her next meet.

I hope that you can get back to your home and your friends here soon. Feel better and take care.:)
I can certainly relate but be careful. You could move back to CA and then discover things that you really did like better in FL. That's what's happened with me over the last 7 years or so. I'm from GA but was living in CO. After my DD was born, we moved back to GA. But we missed CO (where my husband's family is) so we moved back there after about a year. Then we missed GA (or more specifically, my family) so we came back here. Now we're thinking of going back to CO again. *sigh* Maybe we just need to take the plunge and go to Ireland or Canada or somewhere completely new. :p
Aww, I didn't know parents got homesick too!
I have a few friends who have moved away, a lot of them to places down south. A few of the families have come back. One of my friend's dads told me that "the grass is greener on the other side", and they couldn't wait to get out of New York until they realized Atlanta wasn't quite as green as they thought. They didn't appreciate all New York had to offer until they were away from it. They had a much bigger house and could afford nicer cars and things down in Atlanta, but they missed being able to go to Broadway shows, go to the beach whenever they felt like it, and get a good slice of pizza whenever they wanted. Not to mention that it is hard to make a whole new set of friends when you have gotten your old ones over so many years.

NY GYM, Yes we parents do get homesick! And your friend's Dad is right, it is easy to suffer from 'greener grass' syndrome. Not that we moved here for greener pastures, it had more to do w/ hubby's work. There are definitely things I appreciate about both places. I'm mostly missing being a part of our old neighborhood/friend group.

I totally empathise. In my youth I had the travel bug big time, couldn't get away from home fast enough and was wandering the globe between 18 & 22. After a four year stint of working real jobs, at 26 I decided to move to Canada for a year, I never went back! Now 3 kids and two marriages later I am Canadian, but sometimes I just miss stuff, family, friends and all of the stuff that goes with it.

Days pass when all I want is a bowl of real Heinz tomato soup, not this nasty tasting North American crap, I want a real Cadbury's chocolate bar and a pint of Harp at my local pub.

Missed friends weddings, births of children, missed helping when my parents were too sick to manage and they miss seeing their only grandchildren.

I am thrilled that you can maybe move back in summer, it is tough to feel alone and isolated. 17 years after moving here it really is homw, but I just don't have the roots and the history, sometimes I feel like I don't belong anywhere, and lets not even get into the whole French thing. Every day is a language trial!

But I really do feel for ya. Here's a big hug. ((((((((( hug )))))))))

Thanks so much, Bogwoppit. The hug really helped! I feel for you, and kind of 'get' the feeling about not belonging anywhere. I am feelin' it right now! I did not grow up in Nor Cal, I grew up in So Cal. So, the climate & surroundings here are more like where I grew up. But prior to this move, I had been in Nor Cal for 20+ years, and I find I do miss the things it has to offer. One thing I will say, is that I am going to soak up every bit of sunshine I possibly can here this Winter, b/c the Winters in NorCal are very grey, cold & wet (much like the famed Seattle climate), for MONTHS on end & I really do get down over there, during that season. ICK. But what I am missing the most is just the 'belonging' in our neighborhood. Now that we are coming up on all the holidays, there are so many fun things going on in our old 'hood that we will miss this year. Thanks again for the support!

I'm sorry to hear that you are missing California.:( I sometimes wish that I could leave the area for some place new, but I don't think I could live without my network of friends that I have built up over the years. Did you grow up in the area that you moved from?

Are your DD's old gym-mates still at your old gym or at the new one that split from the old one? Did that make sense?:confused: We will be competing at the same meet as those gyms in a few weeks, but not in the same session. Are the judges in FL tougher than in NorCal? They have been extra tough at the meets we have gone to this year so far. I am sending good wishes to your DD at her next meet.

I hope that you can get back to your home and your friends here soon. Feel better and take care.:)

Thank you, gymbratsmommy! You are so right about that network of friends. I know I miss mine. Cherish yours, they do not come that easily once you leave them! In answer to your questions, DD's gym mates that I speak of are at the 'new' gym that split-off. They seem to be doing very well. That comes from them having a really strong/supportive group of parents that were very committed to keeping the 'move' the least disruptive as possible for the girls, and a HC & coaches who love the sport & the girls, and work well as a coaching team. Sorry your Judges have been tough. I always felt the same about the NorCal Judges! I don't know yet about the judging here, as compared to there. We've only been to the one meet, which was a tough critique meet. We'll see over the rest of the season! I am sending you & your DD good wishes for her season too!

I can certainly relate but be careful. You could move back to CA and then discover things that you really did like better in FL. That's what's happened with me over the last 7 years or so. I'm from GA but was living in CO. After my DD was born, we moved back to GA. But we missed CO (where my husband's family is) so we moved back there after about a year. Then we missed GA (or more specifically, my family) so we came back here. Now we're thinking of going back to CO again. *sigh* Maybe we just need to take the plunge and go to Ireland or Canada or somewhere completely new. :p

Shawn, you are very wise. There are things for sure that I can't stand about NorCal & the SF Bay Area, to be more specific (yucky Winter weather, crazy, overly-competitive, stressed-out poeple, traffic), and do not look forward to going back to that stuff. Like I said above, and sorry to reiterate & bore you all, it's just that network of friends/neighbors that I am pining for the most.

Shawn, maybe you should try some place really different, like, Norway, or Costa Rica, or something! It must be hard when you have family & ties in BOTH places. Hang in there!

Thanks again, everyone! :D

Shawn, you are very wise. There are things for sure that I can't stand about NorCal & the SF Bay Area, to be more specific (yucky Winter weather, crazy, overly-competitive, stressed-out poeple, traffic), and do not look forward to going back to that stuff. Like I said above, and sorry to reiterate & bore you all, it's just that network of friends/neighbors that I am pining for the most.

Shawn, maybe you should try some place really different, like, Norway, or Costa Rica, or something! It must be hard when you have family & ties in BOTH places. Hang in there!

Thanks again, everyone! :D

You're sweet! And I'm going to show my mother that "you are very wise" comment. :p For me, friends (or lack thereof) is not really the problem because the people I consider friends are all over the country (even the world) so moving near them is not an option. Thank goodness for email!
I was right there with you, feeling your pain, until you said you still have your house in Cali!!! Just kidding, but I *am* jealous! I haven't made a whole lot of friends in Texas yet, so I know where you're coming from. My advice? One day when I was fed-up about the empty chair next to me at Starbucks I called one of my daughters friends moms and basically said I was on my way to get her! Sure, it's bold, but at 8:30 on a school night she happened to be looking for something to do too that didn't involve kids, cooking, or cleaning! She's an awesome friend now, I'm glad for the offending empty chair that made me call her and stage the mock kidnapping :D
I can totally empathize as well, I lived in the San Diego area most of my life & anywhere else in comparison will just never fit for me... now I am in the midwest.

At least you guys moved from warm to warm - I went from great temps 364 days a year to CHILLY 8 months a year... talk about homesick - :mad:

ahh, but Hugs anyway :D
I can totally empathize as well, I lived in the San Diego area most of my life & anywhere else in comparison will just never fit for me...

Thats what my family says about New York. Until I discovered Boston. Now I really want to move there! Maybe college. I guess NYC and Boston are similar in a lot of respects so its not like moving from NYC to Kansas. Not that there is anything wrong with Kansas, but its just different then what i'm used to!
I can totally empathize as well, I lived in the San Diego area most of my life & anywhere else in comparison will just never fit for me... now I am in the midwest.

At least you guys moved from warm to warm - I went from great temps 364 days a year to CHILLY 8 months a year... talk about homesick - :mad:

ahh, but Hugs anyway :D
Yeah, Ingymmom, San Diego offers up just about the most perfect weather anywhere, I'll agree w/ that!

I grew up a bit North of there (PV/Redondo/Hermosa beaches) and I never wore more than a light sweater in the "winter". Then I moved North to the SF Bay area & was shocked the first few years at how chilly it could get in the Winter. I had to buy a real coat (I know this does not even compare to those snowy states, yes I'm a wimp!)!

I am sorry you are chilly for 8 months! That is no fun. I am definitely loving how here, I only wear open-toed shoes, tank tops, & shorts or capri's! Here you only need a jacket when you go INSIDE, 'cause all the establishments keep their air conditioning on so dang high, all year 'round!
Thats what my family says about New York. Until I discovered Boston. Now I really want to move there! Maybe college. I guess NYC and Boston are similar in a lot of respects so its not like moving from NYC to Kansas. Not that there is anything wrong with Kansas, but its just different then what i'm used to!
No, nothing wrong w/ Kansas, but a city kid like you would probably die of boredom! Boston is beautiful, you'd be lucky to live there!
I can totally empathize as well, I lived in the San Diego area most of my life & anywhere else in comparison will just never fit for me... now I am in the midwest.

At least you guys moved from warm to warm - I went from great temps 364 days a year to CHILLY 8 months a year... talk about homesick - :mad:

ahh, but Hugs anyway :D

oooooh San Diego!!!!!!!!! Pretty much perfect. Nearby Torrey Pines (I hope I spelled that right) and La Jolla are just amazing too. I remember having to remind myself to look at the road when I drove past the temple (Mormon I think? All I know is it was a really pretty and striking building) that's right off the 5 south on my way to the Wild Animal Park one summer.

I guess we get our fair share of heat in Texas, but I'd say I traded Cali for bi-polar barometer crazies! Soul crushing, hair flattening heat in the summer, snow (yuck :( ) , tornadoes, hard thunderstorms that start and stop in syc with when I open/close my umbrella. Whichever is worse it seems lol. I'm jealous that at least you know what to expect most of the time!
No, nothing wrong w/ Kansas, but a city kid like you would probably die of boredom! Boston is beautiful, you'd be lucky to live there!

I know!! I've been going into NYC with my friends since I was like 14 (we live right by the train).

I'm here in Boston right now for a wedding and college interview. Its amazing. It reminds me a lot of a European city. Now lets just hope some school in Boston accepts me :)

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