Gymnasts How can I quit gymnastics when I have super strict parents

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Aug 14, 2024
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When I was younger I have been in gymnastics and it was the funniest sport as I got older I got into Excell silver and it was my first time being in team and I hated it because I was behind everyone I questioned how I made it to a gymnastics team but I pushed through it and surprisingly got through Excell and was able to make it to level four I thought if I could make it from Excel I could make it through level four but I was wrong i struggled so much I wanted to quit a cause even some people in my team started making fun of how behind I was and it made me get it my head and I kept to myself about it and I sadly didn't make it to level 5 and had to repeat my couch really wanted me to go to join the Excell program and my mom got really frustrated and turned down the offer cause she said I was dropping levels so I started my 2nd year of level four and it was much easier for me because I had most of the skills so I didn't struggle as much so when compitition season came I didn't do to bad and my couch said she wanted me to skip up to level six so now I'm in level six and it is soo much harder for me and kids make fun of me when I don't have a skill,I'm still doing level four skills,and my couches keep putting my skills to a lower level skill instead of helping me learn the skill. Lately I have just been wanting to quit and everyone at my gym knows that but not my mom or my couches. So some help me with this decision I need recommendations and I need advice.
You need to calmly speak with your parents and explain it. Maybe you could recommend a different activity or sport that you would like to try instead?
You need to calmly speak with your parents and explain it. Maybe you could recommend a different activity or sport that you would like to try instead?
Thank you for the advice I'll try it!
if you still do like gymnastics I would suggest switching gyms considering the bullying and maybe the gym isn't coaching the right way for you to learn, happened to me and I switched gyms. If you need to take a step back you could go down to level 5 or find another activity
Like the other are saying I'd highly encourage you tot talk to your mom about the bullying and what's going on. If you put the bullying aside do you still love gymnastics? If yes, maybe switching gyms would be best for you. Or even dropping down to level 5. The two are pretty similar anyway and that way, you can work in an environment that makes you more happy! If your coach wanted you to go to level 6, they clearly saw something in you!
The best approach is to have an honest conversation with them. Explain how the sport no longer brings you joy, and that the pressure, struggles, and negative experiences, including being made fun of, are affecting your well-being. Emphasize that while you appreciate their support, you believe it’s time to explore other activities that make you happier. Suggest a compromise, such as trying a different sport or hobby, to show that you’re not giving up on being active but are seeking something that suits you better.
honestly, I've had this happen to me. for a few weeks, I was DREADING practice. but my mom told be to go for 2 more weeks, then another 2 weeks and it helped and now I'm back to loving it. just try for a little longer and you should be good, but if not, then calmly speak to them about why, and what you want to do instead.
When I was younger I have been in gymnastics and it was the funniest sport as I got older I got into Excell silver and it was my first time being in team and I hated it because I was behind everyone I questioned how I made it to a gymnastics team but I pushed through it and surprisingly got through Excell and was able to make it to level four I thought if I could make it from Excel I could make it through level four but I was wrong i struggled so much I wanted to quit a cause even some people in my team started making fun of how behind I was and it made me get it my head and I kept to myself about it and I sadly didn't make it to level 5 and had to repeat my couch really wanted me to go to join the Excell program and my mom got really frustrated and turned down the offer cause she said I was dropping levels so I started my 2nd year of level four and it was much easier for me because I had most of the skills so I didn't struggle as much so when compitition season came I didn't do to bad and my couch said she wanted me to skip up to level six so now I'm in level six and it is soo much harder for me and kids make fun of me when I don't have a skill,I'm still doing level four skills,and my couches keep putting my skills to a lower level skill instead of helping me learn the skill. Lately I have just been wanting to quit and everyone at my gym knows that but not my mom or my couches. So some help me with this decision I need recommendations and I need advice.
If you went back down a level do you think you would enjoy it more? I know that sometimes when you're being pushed and your skills aren't at that level it can take the fun out of it - this is my daughters' third year at level 3 - she's comfortable there and we aren't in a rush to jump up. My honest advice to you as a parent is to talk to your parents and honestly tell them how you feel - if they know you're not happy and not enjoying it they are probably more than willing to work with you to find a solution. Can you talk to your coach and tell them how you're feeling and see if you can compete at a level 4 or 5?
Switching to Xcel might be best. Different girls could solve the bullying and there’s a lot less pressure to have certain skills
When I was younger I have been in gymnastics and it was the funniest sport as I got older I got into Excell silver and it was my first time being in team and I hated it because I was behind everyone I questioned how I made it to a gymnastics team but I pushed through it and surprisingly got through Excell and was able to make it to level four I thought if I could make it from Excel I could make it through level four but I was wrong i struggled so much I wanted to quit a cause even some people in my team started making fun of how behind I was and it made me get it my head and I kept to myself about it and I sadly didn't make it to level 5 and had to repeat my couch really wanted me to go to join the Excell program and my mom got really frustrated and turned down the offer cause she said I was dropping levels so I started my 2nd year of level four and it was much easier for me because I had most of the skills so I didn't struggle as much so when compitition season came I didn't do to bad and my couch said she wanted me to skip up to level six so now I'm in level six and it is soo much harder for me and kids make fun of me when I don't have a skill,I'm still doing level four skills,and my couches keep putting my skills to a lower level skill instead of helping me learn the skill. Lately I have just been wanting to quit and everyone at my gym knows that but not my mom or my couches. So some help me with this decision I need recommendations and I need advice.
I'm a mum and my son maybe would describe me as 'strict' (on behaviour) but he also says I'm kind! So based on that parents can be both, I'd say your mum would possibly be more understanding than maybe you think if she knows what's being said to you and how its making you feel. It seems your coaches really believe in you! Its sometimes hard to believe in ourselves. There's also something called 'tall poppy syndrome' which is when others get jealous and try to drag us down. You may think you're behind, but it sounds to me like the coach sees something in you that they want to give time to. Maybe thats what your mum sees too. It really comes down to if you want to keep at gymnastics. I quit dancing when I was a kid because I was getting comments from other girls who didnt want me to compete (and I never liked performing. It was never about the show for me, it was all about wanting to learn) . Now I teach dance, and I came back to it because its in me and I can't not do it. As an adult looking back I realise what they were doing but at the time I just felt so miserable that I quit! Is gymnastics important to you? Does your body and mind soar when you're doing it? If yes, don't quit. Be honest and explain its the environment and other kids who are the issue. It doesn't matter if you're behind or ahead, in the long run these things aren't important its about your own progress and fulfilling your potential- and its about having fun. Good luck. x

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