We have been managing with carpooling, tight scheduling, and the occasional use of public transport but have just reached the point where we will have to buy a second car so we can use the divide and conquer strategy. It seems such a huge thing to do - a whole extra car just to enable kids' sport and music (and Scouts, which often requires drop offs at obscure far away places, but at least that one is easy to carpool).
I sometimes have fantasies about sending my daughter to one of those private girls' schools with its own gymnastics club, so she can just walk straight from her final class each day to the gym. So much easier and more relaxing for her than the mad dash we do right now. And they bus their girls to competitions. Every now and then I look up the school fees on the various websites (don't know why - maybe in case one of their finance officers has gone mad and quartered the fees), but every time they are still so expensive that I sigh and forget about it. Until the next time I get all optimistic and forgetful (surely they weren't that high??) and do it again.
I sometimes have fantasies about sending my daughter to one of those private girls' schools with its own gymnastics club, so she can just walk straight from her final class each day to the gym. So much easier and more relaxing for her than the mad dash we do right now. And they bus their girls to competitions. Every now and then I look up the school fees on the various websites (don't know why - maybe in case one of their finance officers has gone mad and quartered the fees), but every time they are still so expensive that I sigh and forget about it. Until the next time I get all optimistic and forgetful (surely they weren't that high??) and do it again.