MAG How does college recruiting work for the guys?

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Men's Artistic Gymnastics


Proud Parent
Nov 18, 2011
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It seems pretty straightforward for the girls -- get to upper level optionals early and make it to L9/L10 nationals and then just be visible and try to build up some mutual interest between schools/gymnasts. But since the guys peak later, when do boys really need to start being visible to have a shot at doing college gym (with or without a scholarship)? Is it necessary to be in JE every year at nationals to have a shot or will coaches care more about what they are doing after they reach L10?

(By the way, I am asking because DS has some teammates heading into high school next year who are thinking about college gym. There's been some drama over JE.)
Our coach, so far, has said that colleges are lookign at JO and JE kids. we have had 3 kids go on scholarship in the past 2 years, non were JE. I am not sure if that will stay that way or not. (Of course, with the next olympics, it could all change again ;)
Just a curiousity question - does anybody have a guestimate of how many scholarships are awarded to incoming freshman for gymnastics on a yearly basis?
how many colleges actually have men's gymnastics?? I know it isn't many, and have heard it is under 15; but searching online you can't really get a straight answer... (at least I can't figure out the right search to do to get a straight answer.)
D1 schools are limited to a max 6.3 scholarships across 15 roster spots. Not all of them actually give out the full allocation of rides due to having to balance out gender offerings across the whole athletic program. The scholarships that are given are usually sub-divided and meted out as partial rides.
As far as levels go, the coaches are far more interested in what slots (of the graduating seniors) the recruit may be able to fill rather than if they are JO or JE.
KRC, do you mean event specializations by "slots"? (Also, FWIW, I do know one person who did college gym but got a full academic ride -- it's not inconceivable that his gymnastics talent played some role in his having been given the academic ride, though he certainly proved the worth of it by going on to successful postgraduate studies afterward.)
sorry folks, i typed wrong. i meant there ARE 17 D1 mens programs INCLUDING military.

slots does mean specialists. college teams are about filling holes at events and replacing graduating seniors and their events.

and yes, talent does play a role. if the coach wants an athlete, he'll "walk" that in to the athletic department. he'll walk it in to the administration also if he/she wants that athlete bad enough. so yes, the coach influences the athletic department which in turn influences admissions which in turn influences the decisions about financial aid/academic scholarship.

if the coach is not interested, the athlete is on their own.
KRC, do you mean event specializations by "slots"? (Also, FWIW, I do know one person who did college gym but got a full academic ride -- it's not inconceivable that his gymnastics talent played some role in his having been given the academic ride, though he certainly proved the worth of it by going on to successful postgraduate studies afterward.)

Yes, as Dunno has already confirmed, slots=specialists. And, as most gymnasts are usually also successful academically, many NCAA gymnasts are attending their schools under academic scholarships. The main thing is to keep your grades up. You'll be more likely to get into a school w/good grades and some good gymnastics than without. Unfortunately, I can name more than a few very good gymnasts who were kept out of collegiate competition because they couldn't get accepted academically due to poor HS grades.
Good to know! The kids in question have a few things inside their heads besides marbles, cute L10 girls, and the names of obscure gymnastics skills, so I'm hoping it all works out.

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