Off Topic Hurricane Gustave

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Feb 26, 2007
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I know we have some members who live in Texas and Louisianna. I hope you are all safe and sound and away from the path of Gustave. Please take care and let us know when all is well.

Wishing the same. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. Please be safe, and if asked to evacuate - please do so. Material things can be replaced, lives cannot.

please evacuate if needed. i send you my best wishes and hope you are all safe as well as your family and friends. :heartbeat:
I see on the news that New Orleans are having to evacuate already. I pray peace and safety for all of them.
I also wish you to be very safe and evacuate as quick as possible:pray:
Gustav is front page news here in Europe (where I'm on vacation). Hopefully it won't be as bad as Katrina. My prayers are with everyone too...

Now, we have Hurricane Hanna heading for the Carolinas Fri/Sat (are you ok, gymmomntc2ec & others in the area?). :worried:

We have escaped any major mayhem thus far, here in S. FL, but I fear we may get ransacked by Ike! EEEK! Category 4 right now, out in the ocean! :yikes:

We should know more about where Ike is headed by early next week. We are supposed to have an Intrasquad at our gym next week, then go to the W. Coast of FL for DD's first meet of the season, in Tampa, on 9/14 & 9/15.

If any hurricanes get in the way, it will all be off! Hopefully, this won't happen! But the main thing is that everyone stays safe and sound.

This is our first storm season ever, and coming recently from CA, it's been pretty wild! We are certianly not bored, tracking all the storms via internet & news!
So far so good. I have bottled water and batteries ( hiding them in my company car so my DH does not make fun of me :D) Chef-Boy-R-Dee and a hand crank can-opener. I need to find a battery operated coffee maker. If the power goes out for days and I have no coffee it will be VERY ugly around here :scared:

Looks like it will come into Wilmington. They are predicting as a Cat 1. We are a couple hours from there but we could get some strong wind bands and rain. I am now officially on-call for work for Saturday and Sunday :(

I am more worried about Ike. he is VERY dangerous, no matter where he hits, if he does not weaken. I only pray he does not strengthen further and that somehow he misses the United States :p
So far so good. I have bottled water and batteries ( hiding them in my company car so my DH does not make fun of me :D) Chef-Boy-R-Dee and a hand crank can-opener. I need to find a battery operated coffee maker. If the power goes out for days and I have no coffee it will be VERY ugly around here :scared:

Looks like it will come into Wilmington. They are predicting as a Cat 1. We are a couple hours from there but we could get some strong wind bands and rain. I am now officially on-call for work for Saturday and Sunday :(

I am more worried about Ike. he is VERY dangerous, no matter where he hits, if he does not weaken. I only pray he does not strengthen further and that somehow he misses the United States :p
Good for you! How can DH make fun of you for being prepared? Shame on him, & no water for him when he gets all dry & parched after the water goes off! Hmmph!!

Genius! I never thought of a battery-operated coffee maker! I like it, I like it! Tell me if /where you find one! I am TERRIBLE if I have no coffee in the am, so for the last storm (Fay), I just put a lot of boiled water into thermoses and stocked-up on instant coffee (yuck), hoping that would see me through the worst of it! Never needed it, luckily. Doubtful that water will stay hot for long, so it's bound to get scary.

Of course, we do have our fondue pot w/ Sterno, ready & waiting....that may work in a pinch!

We can walk to our local grocery store in 5 min., if needed, and apparently after Hurricane 'Wilma' a few yrs ago, many public places put in generators so they could keep business running after the power goes out. So, I figure, when the food runs out, I'll just walk over to the store & demand coffee & sandwiches!

It's the lack of A/C when the power goes out that worries me, as spoiled as that sounds!

Well, here's hoping we make it!
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your families in the Coastal region!

I hope you both have LapTops with extra battery power so you can keep us Chalk Bucketers updated!

Thinking of you!
Ok - so I have not found a battery one yet but - here is a camping one that goes on the gas stove - I think it would work on our gas stove or grill. Might have to purchase !!!

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That would be great...IF WE HAD A GAS STOVE!

For some strange reason, 99% of the homes here in S. FL do not have gas---only electric. (???) This peeves my hubby to no end, as he is quite the chef, and cooking on electric here, since we moved from CA, has just about killed him!

Although, I suppose I could use the Coleman on that fondue get-up I mentioned earlier....

BTW, thanks Kristilyn, for the good wishes! I don't know about gymmom, but I do not have a battery operated lap-top. I guess it's crosswords, naps, & games until I can get back online! UGH!
That would be great...IF WE HAD A GAS STOVE!

For some strange reason, 99% of the homes here in S. FL do not have gas---only electric. (???) This peeves my hubby to no end, as he is quite the chef, and cooking on electric here, since we moved from CA, has just about killed him!

Although, I suppose I could use the Coleman on that fondue get-up I mentioned earlier....

BTW, thanks Kristilyn, for the good wishes! I don't know about gymmom, but I do not have a battery operated lap-top. I guess it's crosswords, naps, & games until I can get back online! UGH!

The only battery operated laptop I have is for work and I cannot use it for this !!! Besides if Ike hits up here - I will be pretty busy and won't have time to chat !!

Looks like Hannah will hit - we have severe weather alerts. Of course I have not read what it says but there is one :D
I hope you Floridians are all tucked up safe and warm, it looks as though SC might get some nasty weather too.:eek:

Ya'll live in a lovely place, but get some funky weather, I think I'll keep the snow.
The only battery operated laptop I have is for work and I cannot use it for this !!! Besides if Ike hits up here - I will be pretty busy and won't have time to chat !!

Looks like Hannah will hit - we have severe weather alerts. Of course I have not read what it says but there is one :D
What is your work again, that you will have to be on call? I'm sorry you will have to be so busy during the storm! I guess it'll make the time go faster?
I hope you Floridians are all tucked up safe and warm, it looks as though SC might get some nasty weather too.:eek:

Ya'll live in a lovely place, but get some funky weather, I think I'll keep the snow.
Touche'. Guess this is the price for living in paradise!
I was born in Fl left when I was little and came back 16years ago the worst this part of the state has got was in 04-05 we seem to be in a safe zone .The people in Hanna's path I would just make sure you have enough food /water/gas etc.if you have empty jugs I would freeze extra water to help keep freezer cold and eat up your ice cream melted ice cream is a mess,I came home to that last time we left.If you have grill and loose power after the storm you can always grill.If you live on the water and a hurricane comes near alot of times the water company will shut off your water.Ike is mean lookout for him if in his way leave.I am just waiting to see if he skirts up the west coast.Also take pictures of your inside of the house and keep them safe along with ins,drivers liscense ,etc Stay safe!Up north the kids have snow days in fl we have hurricane days,the kids here arleady missed 1 due to fay,fay would not go away.
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I was born in Fl left when I was little and came back 16years ago the worst this part of the state has got was in 04-05 we seem to be in a safe zone .The people in Hanna's path I would just make sure you have enough food /water/gas etc.if you have empty jugs I would freeze extra water to help keep freezer cold and eat up your ice cream melted ice cream is a mess,I came home to that last time we left.If you have grill and loose power after the storm you can always grill.If you live on the water and a hurricane comes near alot of times the water company will shut off your water.Ike is mean lookout for him if in his way leave.I am just waiting to see if he skirts up the west coast.Also take pictures of your inside of the house and keep them safe along with ins,drivers liscense ,etc Stay safe!Up north the kids have snow days in fl we have hurricane days,the kids here arleady missed 1 due to fay,fay would not go away.
Thank you, gym mom! Great idea about freezing the ice jugs to keep the stuff in the freezer cold. Also, keeping tabs on all the important paperwork is good advice! I also heard to fill up the tub (for the scenario of the water being off) so one can use buckets from there to flush the toilets.

Hubby does like to grill so we do plan to do that if there's no power for a few days.

I have a friend here who says..."I don't 'do' camping anymore, so if it's going to be a bad hurricane, I just drive inland to Disney & stay there until the power comes back on"! Too funny.

We'll see where Mr. Ike decides to go!

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