WAG I just don't know what to do.

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Jun 25, 2012
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For about the last 6 months I have been completely dreading practice. I have realized I just don't want to be at the gym. I find myself crying every practice and just wanting to go home. Recently I have lost all motivation and everything is starting to freak me out and scare me. Im so tired of my body hurting everyday, of having no free time, and it would all be worth it if I was enjoying what I was doing but i'm not.

I find myself daydreaming for crying out loud! Of dance and cheer, things I've always wanted to do.

I'm scared I will regret it if I quit, (or transition as girls I know like to call it) but I just don't know what to do...

Can someone please offer some advice?
If I were your mom, I'd encourage you to either take a break, or to try something different.

Good luck!
My mom says it's really up to me, but things can't get better at gym If I don't go...
I had to look back at you previous posts. I thought you might just be starting optionals and getting a little frustrated. But you are a level 10! Congratulations to you! You should be proud of yourself. Your past posts indicated you've been having a little trouble lately. Your beam series is being upgraded and you are having trouble with it. You do not like the running part of your gym's conditioning and are having trouble with the endurance part as well. But you seem to have just started worrying/complaining about these things just recently. I don't know when you started gymnastics. If you did one level a year, you've probably done gymnastics now for at least 7 years and may have sacrificed all those summers. Your username is flipomaniak. You've joined this forum and did not just post questions but replied to many posts as well.

You must love gymnastics but currently feel a little tired. Cheer and dance seems easier and maybe many of your friends are in those activities. Maybe your body is changing too and things are not as easy as they used to be. I'd suggest not quitting right away but certainly a little break may be in order. Have you ever tried dance or cheer? I'd give them a shot just to see. Speak to your coaches and parents. They know you better than anyone in this forum. They are likely to provide you with better suggestions since they know you personally.

How old are you?
My mom says it's really up to me, but things can't get better at gym If I don't go...

To me this post indicates you are considering quitting because things are getting tough. Hang in there. Give yourself time. You are already a level 10. Don't beat yourself up over things that are difficult for you to do right now. You will be fine.
Six months is a long time to be unhappy and spending a lot of time doing things that don't make you happy. Can you talk to your coach? What are/were your gymnastics goals and dreams?
For about the last 6 months I have been completely dreading practice. I have realized I just don't want to be at the gym. I find myself crying every practice and just wanting to go home. Recently I have lost all motivation and everything is starting to freak me out and scare me. Im so tired of my body hurting everyday, of having no free time, and it would all be worth it if I was enjoying what I was doing but i'm not.

I find myself daydreaming for crying out loud! Of dance and cheer, things I've always wanted to do.

I'm scared I will regret it if I quit, (or transition as girls I know like to call it) but I just don't know what to do...

Can someone please offer some advice?

Ok so this isn't a week or two or even a month or two, but six months of dreading it and not enjoying it....Level 10 or not, it's time to take a break ...school is starting so maybe you can get involved in sports or clubs there , or maybe even have a social life!! And you know what? Nothing is written in stone, so if you really "miss it" in 3 months , 6 months or a year, you can go back.

I will tell you of the several girls i've known to have this happen, they've left the sport and gone on to do other great things...one did lacrosse, another couple did track, another went into modeling...point being , they were fine.
Yes I am level 10, and what I've said online is nothing compared to what has been happening. I don't consider myself a person that quits when things get tough, I have pushed through toughness plenty of times, its the not enjoying it part... I am 15 years old
My dream used to be NCAA and now I'm not sure I even want to do that, so then I feel like if I don't do NCAA then it's not worth it...
What's not worth it? From what I see, you have gotten quite a lot out of this sport. Far more than most people who go into it, and certainly enough to justify your making whatever decision you think will make you happiest in the long run!

If you transition out of team gymnastics, will you wonder what it would have been like if you'd stayed? Sure. But your life will be full of roads with forks, and you will have to make many choices that preclude other choices. The key lies in making the road that you choose work. And based on what you've posted here, I have absolutely no doubts that you will.

All good thoughts for you in this difficult time, but be confident that you can find your way to happiness and fulfillment, whichever way you go.
What's not worth it? From what I see, you have gotten quite a lot out of this sport. Far more than most people who go into it, and certainly enough to justify your making whatever decision you think will make you happiest in the long run!

If you transition out of team gymnastics, will you wonder what it would have been like if you'd stayed? Sure. But your life will be full of roads with forks, and you will have to make many choices that preclude other choices. The key lies in making the road that you choose work. And based on what you've posted here, I have absolutely no doubts that you will.

All good thoughts for you in this difficult time, but be confident that you can find your way to happiness and fulfillment, whichever way you go.

What I feel is "not worth it" would be to continue to do the sport without intentions of NCAA. I do feel like I have gained a lot from the sport and that won't go away if I transition into something else. It's the "what ifs" that would bother me... Thank you
6 months being miserable at every practice is a lot of misery. To me, it sounds like you are done. It is really hard to think about putting in the time and effort to make it to level 10 and then just walking away, but you deserve to be happy. Yes, you are a level 10, but first and foremost you are a 15-year-old kid. The only good reason for you to spend the amount of time you are spending in the gym is if it's your passion.
I do feel like I'm just done:/ but this is a life changing decision (don't mean to sound dramatic) and I'm honestly scared...
Yes I am level 10, and what I've said online is nothing compared to what has been happening. I don't consider myself a person that quits when things get tough, I have pushed through toughness plenty of times, its the not enjoying it part... I am 15 years old

And for this reason as well, because I can only imagine what has been happening, you should really take a break...there have been many Level 10s ( and other levels) and beyond ( I remember a couple of girls competing at VISAs and then they were done!) who have put in tons of hours to get there that have been done with this sport because it was no longer their passion...the amount of blood, sweat and tears ( and money) to compete at this level has to bring you joy, and if it doesn't , then it's time to find something that does....
I agree with the others. You are fifteen! You are a young lady, an athlete, a student, a daughter. You are not only a "gymnast". You have given yourself every opportunity to enjoy the sport again. Now give yourself a break. Its ok to end things and move on to different opportunities.
Ok. I don't know how but I completely missed the first sentence of your post about being miserable for 6 months now. Being only 15, you probably have another 2-3 years of club gymnastics. Plans and goals change. Many gymnasts have been injured and were out of the gym for months, just to come back and continue on like they were never gone. I'd explore other activities that would make me excited and happy again. Continuing on a sport that makes you miserable will not produce the best results and as a such may likely not lead to NCAA. If you think back to when you started, you did gymnastics because it was fun and you loved it. That seems to have changed. A break from gymnastics may give you some clarity.
I was a bit younger than you when I left gym and definitely not a level 10. The thing I learned is that there are tons of possibilities in life. I bet if you did track you'd make an amazing heptathlete or hurdler, if you tried cheer you'd be the best tumbler on the team, dance you'd be able to do things most dancers could not. Don't stress too much you will find fun other places and if you still miss gym go back in 3-6 months or you could always switch to less hours for a while to see if that helps. Good luck and remember other sports won't be nearly as hard as gymnastics...they definitely can be challenging just in different ways.

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