WAG I just don't know where I'm at

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Sorry for the long thread it is more me just trying to figure things out if anything.

So it's been my first injury that is going to put me out/into a limited program for more than two weeks. I just don't know what to do with myself. Unfortunately this kind of injury is one that is potentially reoccurring - apparently once a shoulder subluxes it will be more susceptible to further subluxations. Gymnastics is the only thing that keeps me sane. I'm just really scared that this injury is going to put me out of the sport. Gymnastics is the only thing that keeps me sane. I'm just upset I guess. It's also the only thing I do at the moment as I have just graduated and am no longer at school. I just don't want to be forced out of the sport. What makes it worse is we had a covering coach on Saturday who was convinced that everyone with an injury was faking as we all had interesting things we couldn't do even though they were pretty standard things. Sorry for the long post
Awwww, thats terrible!
And what kind of coach thinks a gymnast is faking an injury? Gymnastics is a very intense sport, injuries
Anyway, sorry this had to happen. Injuries really stink. I really hope it doesnt turn into a more serious thing.
sometimes coaches "don't know where they're at" either. :)
If you are forced out of the sport there are a lot of other gym related sports which cause less pressure on the body. You could consider trampolining, power tumbling, cheerleading, sports acrobatics, team gym, diving etc.
That is quite a good idea Pineapple_Lump, I'm doing quite a lot of covering at the moment because with xmas coming up and people going away etc it is very easy to get work - unfortunately there isn't a squad or anything for me to coach yet but next year I may be taking over a level 3 squad which I have to say I am quite excited about :) I'm starting to feel a little better now than before. I've just decided I have had some shocking luck in the last two weeks.

Just a story on the side: So i get a call from my mum yesterday telling me I have to pick up my sister as Mum had broken down (radiator exploded) outside school so I go out pick her up and on the way home I had a car accident (someone ran up the back of me). and the old car that we use as the 'dog car' that we've had for 17 years has no tread on the tires so its unsafe to drive so we have to get tires replaced so we actually have a car to drive. So my luck is just getting worse and worse.

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