WAG Switching Gyms or quitting?

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Jul 5, 2023
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Recently at my gym there has been a lot more favoritism towards certain gymnasts. It is very obvious too. I feel like some gymnasts including me are being targeted. We get yelled at for doing things that other gymnasts can easily get away with. They're small things too like sitting down or not having the best form. I feel ignored most of the time, but when the coaches do talk to me, it's usually not good. I have also been having many mental blocks lately due to an injury, and I get yelled at because of them. My coaches say to just do a skill and that I'm not going to get any better by just staying where I'm comfortable, which I know is true, but I don't feel comfortable moving that skill up yet. I feel sad and unhappy whenever I am in the gym. I do enjoy gymnastics and I love tumbling in my backyard or with my friends, I just am unhappy in the gym and I feel like quitting sometimes. I also work really hard in my opinion, and the other girls who my coaches like just sit around. I don't know if I'm being dramatic or not and if this is normal or not, but I really don't know what to do and I don't feel like I can do anything anymore.
Since you mentioned that you still like gymnastics, I would recommend to talk about it with your parents in finding a new gym.
Sometimes I think what looks like favortism is actually the coach seeing more in another athlete than what they are getting out of them. That sentence feels very confusing to me, sorry, let me try to clarify.

I just know that with my daughter, sometimes when the coach is letting certain girls slack off or the coach is being harder on certain girls it is because the coach knows that the slackers don't have the mental toughness needed to go far in the sport but the athlete the coach is being hard on it is usually because the coach feels that they have so much potential.

When a coach doesn't want you to sit down, they are trying to help you get stronger and have better stamina to help your gymnastics... when a coach corrects your form it is because they know that you can do the skill the cleaner with correction and they want the best gymnastics for you.

Maybe, a change of perspective from: "My coach is picking on me!" to: "My coach wants me to be the best gymnast I can be" would help.

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