I really miss being a gym parent

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Proud Parent
Aug 22, 2016
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Our gym has been closed for 17 weeks with absolutely no opening date in sight. We have tried everything to get our governor to open gymnastics but our attempts have fallen on deaf ears. Many gyms in our state are now ignoring the executive order and just opening but ours won't. That's not how they operate.

I just needed to vent to those who get it. I'm sad, I'm mad, I'm confused. Im worried our gym is close to closing forever. They are such amazing gym owners and coaches who care so much about the kids. We felt like we hit the jackpot when we found them. Gymnasts being trained by talented coaches who put the needs of the child before the needs of the gymnast. They coach successful level 10's who go on to college teams. (Not elite, not their game.) I truly care about them and the way they have nurtured and cared for my daughter. She is brave and confident and just plain happy when she is there.

I've run out of options to help them. I feel lost. I miss being a gym mom so much (I actually never thought I liked it!) If this gym closes there is no other near us that I'd send her to and her time in gymnastics would be over.

This coronavirus is stressful and has changed our lives but to think it could take away something my daughter loves is heartbreaking. Sorry for the rant, I just miss it.
I am so sorry to hear that! 17 weeks of closure is very difficult for all involved.

It must also be very difficult to see other gyms opening and defying the orders, and seeing your child miss out because your gym is following the rules.

Is anything likely to happen to those other gyms that are opening without permission? Fines etc?
I am so sorry to hear that! 17 weeks of closure is very difficult for all involved.

It must also be very difficult to see other gyms opening and defying the orders, and seeing your child miss out because your gym is following the rules.

Is anything likely to happen to those other gyms that are opening without permission? Fines etc?

If they are reported they will get shut down, I'm not sure about fines. I do know 1 that was shut down near us.

It's just been really hard, especially dealing with the emotions of my girl. Sadness to anger to just pure confusion. Our older girls know about the other gyms opening and worry about falling behind, especially our level 10's. We really do have an outstanding gym, a gem in the gym world. I'm less concerned about my daughter's skills (she's young and can easily recover) I just worry she won't have a place to return to if they aren't allowed to open soon. No income coming in can't be sustained for long.
:( I’m so sorry. Feeling like the government is not even listening adds so much to the frustration, I’m sure. I had a parent on our team tell me during closure that when they reopened she would never complain about the commute to gym again! I knew how she felt, it was weird, like I would get these flashes of just driving down the highway on our way to practice and I would miss the drive so much. I’m not a parent who stays often to watch; what I was missing was knowing that she was on her way to do what she loves with people that she loves. Not having it made clear that something as silly as the drive, and the packing a snack in her gym bag, and chatting with other moms at the door, was valuable to me. I like being a gym parent. Even being on break is tolerable if you know an end date, but this endless waiting and worrying you have to do is the worst. I’m sorry and I do hope your gym can survive!
That’s just too long to be closed! They need to reopen, and follow the “small groups, stay apart, wash their hands” if that’s what it takes. The emotional scars of what they’ve lost will outlast any physical illness (not time for a lecture on anything virus related, thank you). I hope they get back soon. Keep emailing the governor, start a petition, find statistics to support your request, etc. go see him/her in person or at least A FaceTime appointment. You have the right to redress your grievances, according to the Constitution. Fingers crossed for you!!
All gyms in the UK have been closed for 16 weeks. We got our date to return this week for 25th July. I haven't missed the commute one little bit. But I have missed some of the people and will get to have a few chats through car windows instead of online for a bit.
It is hard on the gymnasts and it must be extremely hard on the business owners. This pandemic is so horrible.

My kid has been back in gym for a couple of weeks now. I do not know how long she will get before the next shutdown, but she is happy to be back. And I STILL miss being a gym mum. Because of local covid rules, parents are not allowed onto the property, let alone into the gym. Coaches escort the girls to and from the car park gates. I miss sometimes arriving a little bit before the end of training and seeing her train. I miss seeing the high level girls bravely trying really hard stuff. I really miss my chats with the other gym mums. I did not spend a lot of time in the gym before this, but I have learned that I valued the time that I was there.
It is hard on the gymnasts and it must be extremely hard on the business owners. This pandemic is so horrible.

My kid has been back in gym for a couple of weeks now. I do not know how long she will get before the next shutdown, but she is happy to be back. And I STILL miss being a gym mum. Because of local covid rules, parents are not allowed onto the property, let alone into the gym. Coaches escort the girls to and from the car park gates. I miss sometimes arriving a little bit before the end of training and seeing her train. I miss seeing the high level girls bravely trying really hard stuff. I really miss my chats with the other gym mums. I did not spend a lot of time in the gym before this, but I have learned that I valued the time that I was there.

I miss all that, too. Luckily we have been doing some outdoor workouts so I've been able to go for walks with some of the other moms while the girls condition. Amazing how nice those walks are in the midst of all this crazy.
I would LOVE a walk with the gym mums. We are supposed to stay in our cars, if possible during drop off and pickup, so even quick chats at the gate are not happening. I love that we are working hard to keep each other safe and keep the gym open, but I miss the contact. Same with seeing my friends on the school run, as the rules are the same there. I work with children, so I am definitely feeling the lack of adult conversation right now even though we are not even in shutdown.

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